If a great lord created us, It was not from his kindness
that life did burst. He thought of a joke and here we are.
Are humorous suffering, our comedic pain.
No great and mighty being would be so reckless,
so arrogant. No caring guy would make life and abandon them.
I call you and i am alone. so many look to you for hope
but all i see is the bloke that watched me cry. No guidance
no advice, only a bunch of rules that teach us to hate.
"The lord is a warrior", "Freewill".
You teach us to be reckless and arrogant the same as you.
I reject you backwards book and children of hatred.
I reject you.
Anonamus (Pseudonym) (
- Published: December 1st, 2016 13:27
- Comment from author about the poem: I'm so sorry if any Christians are offended I mean no disrespect to you. I'm just giving my opinion after years of reject and hatred I've been given from my local church.
- Category: Religion
- Views: 45
Nicely done...and very true in many ways...I was once a complete and total advocate of a belief system that you could consider somewhat Satanic...But, over the years I have found God..and that was by living life ...all the trials and tribulations...My connection with God did not come from any church...most churches are like miniature cults...making up their own little rulebooks and trying to suck their followers dry monetarily ...Its not about GOD being evil or otherwise...its about Evil beings who manifest in the form of humans in an attempt to reign over a world created by God...which will never happen...
I'm glad you've found belief and i do not wish to criticize that i just wanted to help people realize that many people for example homosexuals feel excluded and hated by religions. But again i meant no offense to your beliefs.
TO EACH HIS OWN ANON ~ My experience is the opposite of yours. I was raised in a Godly Home and all the Churches I have attended have been very supportive ~ I have aso worked with the YMCA a good example of a Christian based organisation. We are not ANIMALS and never have been. W are created in God's Image and are mega intelligent and creative (I presume you us a computer ?). To make us different and lateral thinkers GOD gave us Free Will which enables u to choose between ~ right & wrong ~ good & evil ~ God & Satan etc etc. In my book the fault lies with Man and Satan who has deceived him and NOT GOD ! ~ AMEN ~ BRIAN
I agree completely Brian...there ARE churches out there where the staff really cares and who teach correctly the Word of God...the reason why people shy away from them is because of the churches that are full of shit and who are run by EVIL , manifesting in the bodies of man
I'm So sorry if i offended you with this poem. It was more a comment on how many young people go through life with no support and help. I am glad you have found belief and happiness in a higher power it is just that i haven't been able to find a spiritual connection. Again i am sorry i meant no offense
Great write.
Thank you. 🙂
NO ANON ~ There was no offence ! One of th e Blessings of free will isthat we can agree to differ ~ OK ~ Yours BRIAN
Thank you for your understanding. I wish you the best in your beliefs.
We are all human and therefore incapable of understanding God but we do get to understand humans who can be Christ like or Satanic. Thanks for the thought provoking piece
Thank you Augustus
I take no offence, this is a poetry site and this is good poetry, write on! ww
Thank you I never wish to offend anyone
Even if you do happen to "offend" someone...this site is to speak your mind....its not supposed to be candy coated...I too no offense at all...you are entitled to believe whatever you wish
Thank you. You too
Oh no don't feel like that, if u come to the one true God u will have all your questions answered and understand the reasons why we suffer. Only the devil makes us suffer and yes free will let's us please him and do his bidding instead of heeding God. U spoke yor heart out and it is not meant to offend but I hope u do try think reasonably. God has not abandoned us, only those commit evil and hatred who abandon Him.
Thank You for your input but unfortunately religion is not the path for me. And don't worry I'm not intentionally insulting god I'm only commenting on how many people especially young people don't have a protector or a 'god' to look after them which can lead the down a path of sin or hatred.
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