What happens when there is a gap in the known?
Sometimes we fill it with negative scenarios out of proportions, fully blown.
We take them as reality , without checking the facts,
And worry of the bad stories we tell ourselves that drive ourselves nuts.
We cant sleep at night from trying to solved problems that don’t really exist,
That’s a bad thing that happens to all of us , even the brave that take risks.
So let us evolve in a situation, whenever there is a gap in the known.
We should remind ourselves the above , breathe deeply and wait for things to be shown.
AVIGAIL (Pseudonym) (
- Published: December 6th, 2016 09:34
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 36
Thanks AVI for today's challenge. As we grow older (if we keep our Brains active) our knowledge increases and so too should our WISDOM & UNDERSTANDING ! We all have a conceptual field which is OUR WORLD VIEW of things. Of course there are GAPS ~ some of them quite scary ! I have found that year by year the GAPS are filled ~ BUT ~ sometimes new GAPS appear. Once again my SWEETEST TUTOR I take your advice and BREATH DEEPLY AND WAIT FOR THINGS TO BE SHOWN ! You are very precious to me ~ Love & HUGS ~ Your Tabla Rasa ~ BRIAN
thank you dear Brain for interpretations hugs and love:)
Excellent piece, and absolutely spot on! We do tend to fill the unknown with all sorts of fictitious horrors and insurmountable problems,. Only to discover it to be something mundane! Great poem!
thank u Daniel 🙂
We all can have wild imaginations and anxiety. Thanks for the words of support!
be well WriteBeLight
Thank you.
Wonderful write
great feedback Tony 🙂
Oh, you know all my faults. Fill in the gaps with nonsense and make mountains out of mole hills. Nicely done.
love your expressions Augustus. you are in good company - almost all humanity... its a bug in teh system 🙂
Avigail the exterminator!
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