


Gold bands round fingers
Universal sign of love bound by cords that can never be broken
Infinite 360 degrees of gold the circle of life

Turn 180 degrees and lovers meet to create a bond only they can define.
Which ever way you look at it we are degrees and angles away or closest to our perfect 360 union.
If you trust in the 6degree of separation theory you know you maybe a couple of steps away from your perfect connection, so mingle!!
Like a puzzle maybe our perfect human companion is 45 degrees of make you laugh and 90 degrees of l love you more than love can be counted or sealed by gold bands round cute fingers.
Maybe you are the missing degrees needed to complete that human to the perfect 360. But don't be a circle rolling around life, or a square you will be a bore. Triangles are 180 and everyone loves a triangle sandwich of life. Side by side they fit perfectly in the lunch box of perfect picnics under the sun.

  • Author: marcie (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 18th, 2016 05:01
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 19
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    THANKS FOR SHARING MARCIE ~ In essence Life and Love is numerical and geometric ! We start of as interacting double helices ~ which is genetic material which makes you and me me ! My magic Number is SIX so I like HEXAGONS and cyclohexanes are very important in natural substances like hormones and all aromatic substances. Ice has the same structure as Diamond so all snowflakes are unique hexagonal stars ! Your poem reminded me that in life and love we only progress ONE DEGREE at a time. Thanks ~ Hugs ~ BRIAN

    • marcie

      Wow. Thank you for your comments. Now you have given me more to ponder on. Very deep analysis indeed.

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