The Rain


I hear the rain tiptoeing;

I hear footsteps on top

Giving the thirsty ground

Spoonful of drops;

‘Tis a hypnotizing noise

The drip, drip, drippety, drop


And when the rain is gone,


After the rain has stopped

Leaving the clouds

frail and angel-pale;

A radiant light with lustrous-gold;

Shines with warmth the land to hold.

  • Author: rrodriguez (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 4th, 2017 11:57
  • Comment from author about the poem: Puerto Ricans who live in the countryside love to hear the raindrops fall on their tin roof. Being a tropical island, we get a lot of yearly rain. Many a times I've fallen asleep hearing the drip, drip, drippety, drop of the rain.
  • Category: Nature
  • Views: 60
  • User favorite of this poem: Michael Edwards.
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  • WriteBeLight

    Beautiful tribute to a relaxing sound!

    • rrodriguez

      Thank you for your kind words and for reading my poem. I love to write about the rain.

      • WriteBeLight

        You are very welcome and I love the rain, as well!

      • willyweed

        a symphony of raindrops in your lovely poem.

        • rrodriguez

          Thank you ww, you do have a way with words... I like you comment. I can modify it to read, for a short poem, "a symphony of raindrops is your lovely voice". Just thinking...

          • willyweed

            RR sounds good go for it. I have a poem called a symphony of raindrops , but it's about a dream.
            I do so like your poem though!

          • Michael Edwards

            Just like the rain - a beautiful flow; you paint a picture with words

            • rrodriguez

              Thank you for your kind words and for reading my poem.

            • Tony36

              Great write, being a farmer I love the rain

            • Kurt Philip Behm

              Really captivating, especially the last stanza. Thanks for sending.


            • Augustus

              Amigo, tengo un granero con techo de hojalata. (Lamina metal) Me encanta escuchar las gotas de lluvia en el techo. Que tus cosechas de la vida sea abundante. Lo disfrute mucho.

            • catdeu

              I really enjoyed this poem! Nice job 🙂

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