Firearms magazine offer manifold big bang for their buck,
many ear rational per son or daughter loves advocate, the late chuck
Heston (now a shooting star occasionally visiting Earth from celestial vault)
who fired undulation, imagination, and ballistic adulation
heard das squaw coon like Donald Duck
head over webbed feet for Minnie, yet both scared of ratcheting
mushrooming armaments to the teeth sinister race, barrels along at alarming spike
- - - - - - - - - - - -
triggering dramatic uptick of innocent lives caught in crosshairs,
or stray slug makes a bee line whizzing at the speed of greased lightening
where luckless lie dead, when trigger happy urge itches
to overtake sanity madman/woman glorifying while squeezing lever,
whence bullet released, endangering unsuspecting lives
and engendering outrageous spike in wanton killings -
a one or more person shell act, releasing whizzing elliptic mach one ballet
boring into flesh with aplomb and pluck.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Die-hard gun owners indiscriminately brandish
loaded pistol when jist a whippersnapper sparking unwarranted violence
undermining innocent victim or two, or three, or...
concomitantly provoking furious backlash,
as government half heartedly aims to dull liver restrictions, the right to pack heat
- - - - - - - - - - - -
(purportedly in accordance with second amendment), where NRA members dish
out violent objections, while proliferation mounts allowing easy access
to revolutionary palm pilot size guns with concomitant firing power range
glamorized by violent movies in tandem with lobbyists
obstructing legislation requiring back round checks
against unlimited stock pile, thus nodding assonance
- - - - - - - - - - - -
permitting a glut of phallic shaped mechanisms designed to kill,
as acquiesce evinced via banshee cockamamie cashiered eggheads
who dilute down restrictions, whereby a colt following
hoofs from doe ting fauns fingering powerful weapons,
despite murderous spree, where senseless bloody coup fuels fusillade
empowering citizens to possess off fish
- - - - - - - - - - - -
U.S., self-important protection becoming comfortably numb
as regular headlines detail some lone, maniacal
human set on automatic pilot to kill methodically unloading with a swish
multitudinous cartridges encasements testament attempt to even deadly score, or wish
to take revenge vendetta amidst madding crowds - uttering oye vay iz mere - Yiddish.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
exclamation, which does nothing to stem dead locked high tide
proliferation of high-powered assault bazookas
manned by berserk cruel death eaters,
arch nemesis picks off life with a blip
simultaneously bipedal hominid(s) grip handily rounded dirk
- - - - - - - - - - - -
as backup in case clip
misses mark, where siege mentality induces
nationwide sprinting into lockdown mode deterring by a drip
fiendish homicidal metamorphoses, where transmogrification
of generic guy wielding weapon subjugating hostages pits malignancy fill lip
- - - - - - - - - - - -
mailer daemon hell bent on besieging bait (unaware
Snapchatting linkedin flickr ring beings) burst deadly quip
barrage of bullets malicious intent to spray killing machines deliver click and rip
paying plenti deathly instagram howls amidst pandemonium, thence funereal slip
epitaphs etched on tombstones proliferate taking souls to Hades trip.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Brutal and nasty nefarious scheme directed at humble lettered folks
(like those comprising my home town - once evoked pastoral meme Lake Woebegone)
minding their p's and q's, when in extremis
out of the blue nightmare interrupts idyllic dream
a sudden bitta bing bitta bang rings terrorist catcall
followed by red tide and river of bloodied body where caskets
rendered veneer of dark wood within lies corpse,
pistol whipped, shredded and outkast, where mortician daubs creme.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Soundcloud boom echoes, thus occurs staccato sinister sonic strafes across
freshly fielded tombstone; pearl jam gray slate, some formerly anonymous
namesake, which underling, higgs bo son or daughter blitzkrieg cross
invisible trajectories shatter (at shutterfly speed), democratic rubric rendered dross
disposable lives of society with senseless slaughter, whereat somber silence
pines nostalgia for Mill on the Floss
when life seemed innocent against gun metal gloss
wails of agony at another human loss.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
This epidemic re: murderous love affair perfervid
with gruesome morbid
fixation allowing, enabling and providing terrifying
trappings, whence Pandora out the lid
anger loosed by gun toting recorded by hid
dee us aide de camp per grim reaper
milling crowd, each bewildered person stunned viz satanic grid
loosed bullets ensnare coterie upping ante bid
daring pernicious fare thee well odiously off loaded
per incendiary fiery maelstrom to mega death count added.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Suicide bombardier slakes thirst aims at billeted soiree
with deadly precision, and spray painting human innards
congregated engaged groupon people), with egregious pay
ment for exaggerated slight mowing down, a slew - nay
soon to be lifeless victims unaware - delivering may
hem to anonymous hunter a cannibal as well
family and survivors, who lay
down their sorrows, which bring revulsion and gray
obsolescence of faith in mankind to fray.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Death be not proud, nor ought airtime be allocated to these
heinous cavalier avengers foe tee eight-hour special (proffers
twitchy finger itching to squeeze
especial easy access to sophisticated high caliber compact
offspring family affair sport doth please
manifesting prize pride killing machine owners posed as stonewall Jackson frieze
rapaciously with so much ease
lethal gimcrackery cutlasses incite epidemic violence as disease.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Sorrow soulful songs sung by the likes of death cab for cutie or goo
goo dolls in tandem with foo
fighting beastie boys pay homilies whence homage grew
to grateful dead nobody knew
fetishistic martyrs wannabe set sights of sister and mew
sic cull doobie brothers of their simian species with no sorrow to rue.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
The ammunition greased casings pepper skull and cross lovely bones,
lightening speedily deals mortal blow persons unaware,
the final minutes/seconds of lives leased
shorn of existence, and akin to sheared sheep, this case
targeted ambushed ewe mon souls permanently fleeced
instantaneously cut short sealed mortality fate upon Avast group ceased
to exist as happy go lucky men, women and/or children from most fearsome beast.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Instantaneous re: within the blink and/or flickr survive
er eyed, and former gallivanting live
capitalone progressive pinterest ting human con hive
ving to collide with hulu hooping unwittingly accompanying jive
vin track hewed by quick draw mcgraw holster sending dead riders to final resting place.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Ribald exhortations and allegiance gifted who usher bereave
ment, where demise of existence experiences a field day,
whence microbes gorge viz Philabundance, while next of kin grieve
incalculable loss forsaken, whence emptiness doles bleakness
upon grim outlook that doth leave tears, brought per spilt blood and sweat
tallying cost, no miracle whipped lifeless ones can survivors retrieve.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Mortal kombat rues unfathomable payless Priceline Bourse
induces adrenaline to course thru melee, where iron maidens sprint non selfie ish
lee to safer outlook, where moments of pain force
besiege collective asylum seekers indulge gorse
faux Joyus fancyfeast er vanityfair, whence sorrow loosed like a wild horse
diehard fanatic (attired inconspicuously like dishabille schlepper of an outlier) source
index finger clutch released high-powered voluminous ammunition
murderous mass homicidal rates get worse.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Netzero escape those unfairly killed ceaselessly year after year
undeclared warfare,
whereby killer coolly unleashes fusillade veer
ring out the barrel to tear
whole food community fabric, blithely empty lethal munitions truckload to spare.
tyri773jpok (
- Published: January 18th, 2017 00:04
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 60
Great write
WELCOME TIRI ~ Thanks for your first Poem which indicates the stupidity of the Gun Laws in the USA which reflect the days of the WILD WEST not the 21st C and it's goingto get worst with TRUMP. In the USA there are over 10,000 HOMICIDES by gun per year which is 30 per million population. In the UK (which is similar to the USA) only 65 Homicides by gun each year that is 1 per million population. The USA Gun Laws are the reason the USA death rate by GUN is 30 times that in the UK. All GUNS (for Civilians) should be banned in the USA. The array of weapons freely available to the public in the USA made me physically sick when i visited a Gun Store. Thanks for caring ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)
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