Little Boys


A little boy learned to wiggle his ears

Sitting in a class room bored to tears.

Individual muscles he learns to flex.

Biceps and triceps, quads and pecs.


His mind now focused on doing tricks

Those he's flexed he makes them twitch.

Asked to turn in his homework NOW,

Like Spock he raises his left eyebrow.


The teacher is writing on the board

He's drawing a cannon, gun or sword.

He cracks his knuckles to get a laugh

Counts on his fingers to do the math.


He saves his straws for spit ball fights

His lethal accuracy will a skirmish incite.

He snuck a pet beagle to school in his shirt.

With a water gun gave Sally Smith a squirt.


In the Principal's notes he is immature

But knows how to forge dad's signature.

A grade or two he had to repeat

Now sits in a Federal Judges seat.



Augustus / Folsom, LA / February 2017

  • Author: Augustus (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 26th, 2017 11:47
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 30
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  • rrodriguez

    Wow, how dramatic... read very nicely and the message is so true. Great write my friend...

    • Augustus

      Yes, just thought about childhood classrooms.

    • willyweed

      boys will be boys and some old man are just as clever as all get out? WW

      • Augustus

        Thanks ww. For saying so. By the way did you miss my comment in "Queen for a day". Take care.

        • willyweed

          No did you get my response ? I figured you would bring a lawsuit by now? I was hoping anyway I have not caused a lawyer to try suicide in a while? I was released from the court for reasons of insanity? bring it on old man! ww

          • Augustus

            No, but I will check it out now your magesty. Heh, heh.

          • kevin browne

            brilliant Augustus.

            • Augustus

              Thanks Kev. Childhood memories.

            • Goldfinch60

              Very good fun write.

              • Augustus

                Glad you thought so. Probably not best for a Sunday, but hope it tickled a few souls.

              • P.H.Rose

                Love this Augustus
                Absolutely brilliant

                • Augustus

                  Well thanks again. May the remainder of your day be filled with wonder.

                • WriteBeLight

                  Ha Ha. Very funny and reality, I am sure.

                • Augustus

                  Little girls had to write a hundred lines for misbehaving as well I am sure. Thanks.

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