Frutiful Following


Fits tune: Breslau

(One tune to 'Take up your cross, the Saviour said')


Though I may seek an easy way

Come to my heart Lord, every day

Help me to turn, to follow you

Me strengthen, empower, renew


O here distracted and confused

Yet with your grace, blessings endued

Upon me, so cause me up rise

To follow truth, not stay with lies


For we accepted in you are

Heaven to us you do not bar

But forgiven now through your Son

He the redemption work has done


No other hope to rest upon

His grace avails, the only one

By whom mankind to God can come

All people, all, the total sum


Trusting all to your Spirit sure

A reality evermore

Us not unmoved, we play our part

Continue, or some new thing start


Some vision, motivation now

Be inspired, and in worship bow

Some fruit to share, some gift to give

From Christ, for He does ever live


Look Lord upon me, look and see

That I not frozen, chilly be

But choose your narrow way each day

Your love, comfort, with me alway



  • Author: orchidee (Online Online)
  • Published: February 26th, 2017 12:03
  • Comment from author about the poem: A poem-hymn to an format. The original is a Lent hymn. Some parts of this poem have a Lenten theme.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 50
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  • ron parrish aka wordman

    lovely music !

  • Goldfinch60

    Very good write once more.

  • Neville

    just to prove I am following and not stalking you Stephen, I note you have posted a current total of 1224 poems to date.. assuming you post one today.. which is most likely... and have filled 82 that is eighty-two whole bloomin pages... now that's what I call fruitful sir

    Neville 🙂

    • orchidee

      Thanks N. Ya can't beat a bit of fruit, can ya?!

      • Neville

        depends how far in front they were when the whistle blew ... and how far they have left to go 🙂

        • orchidee

          No relation of course to 'fruity' - Fido won't let me! lol.

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