Thoughts of a Hopeless Romantic

Kimble Williams

I lay here, wondering, trying to decide

Is it ok to cry when you’re dying inside?

We can sit here and play pretend

But we know there’s no Happily Ever After in the end

I grab you as you try to walk away

Don’t leave me, don’t leave me today

I’m better than that dude ever could be

Even if you don’t mean it, just tell me you love me

With each passing day it gets less hard

To accept the fact true love may not be in the cards

So I keep playing this deadly game of Blackjack

Even though the pain is giving me a heart attack

But it seems no matter how hard I try

You still want to be with that good for nothing guy

So I sit in the shadows and hide

While my soul cries endlessly inside

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  • SorrowfullyHappy

    this is true i know first hand

  • Augustus

    When someone is desperate. Well done.

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