Other eyes


People tell me I'm strong,
Why do I feel weak?
They tell me I'm beautiful,
But when I look in mirror
I see ugly.
They say I'm independent,
When I'm scared
Of getting a broken heart.

They see something that I don't.

  • Author: BatSam (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 8th, 2017 01:17
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 35
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  • Mello

    See we all feel this inside. It's battle within us.its funny that we let ourself down before anyone can. Hear is what I say the more you understand the world the less you understand yourself and the more you understand yourself the less you understand the world. Everything begins within ourself.be the you you want to be. Find something that makes you happy.

    • BatSam

      It is a battle that many people have...

    • Goldfinch60

      Others can see your hidden depths that maybe you cannot see your self. Good write.

      • BatSam

        Thank you.

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