My Memories


Why do my memories keep coming back?
Happy memories that gave me the thought of you being mine,
yet that thought was crushed,
The memories going through my head over and over again, they won't stop,
Those happy memories gave me a thought of you liking me back, but I guess that thought was wrong,
I keep replaying those memories, looking at every detail, the way you looked at me, the way you talked to me, the way you touched me, why did you give me all those happy memories?

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  • Writings From The Unknown13

    i feel the exact same way about this poem its just that the memories can haunt you and break you down ya know?

  • Augustus

    They never leave. Well done.

    • Fluatist

      Thank you!

    • Louis Gibbs

      Who would we be without our memories? I don't think they come back so much as they never leave ... thank goodness! Good write, Fluatist.

      • Fluatist

        Thank you!

      • alisha

        i feel the same way right now, old memories are always the worst.

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