Fits tune: New Britain
('Amazing Grace')
Colossians 3 v.12 - 17
1. Put on today, as God's elect
His people, not some sect
But those whom He has chosen sure
To be His evermore
2. So put on, holy and beloved
His people, His encov'ed (encovenanted)
Depths of mercies and kindness too
And humble mind anew
3. Also meekness, longsuffering
Each other forbearing
And if any complaint, quarrel
'Gainst any has at all
4. Then be forgiving, e'en as Christ
Forgave you, unenticed
Be to seek vengeance and repay
But live as sons of day
5. Above all these things do put on
Charity, love, the bond
Of perfectness, whole, and mature
The hallmark of Christ sure
6. And let the peace of God rule in
Your hearts, guard you from sin
For called to His peace, His body
One in His grace so be
7. Be thankful too, and let the word
Dwell in you, it you heard
Reside in you richly, not poor
And with His wisdom pure
8. Teach and admonish now each one
Each one a daughter, son
Of God the Father, so too sing
And Him psalms, hymns, do bring
9. Bring spiritual songs, and do sing
To your God the great King
Sing with grace to Him, hearts set free
He heals redemptively
10. And whate'er in word or deed done
Do all in name of [the] Son
To God the Father ever give
Thanks through Christ, and well live
orchidee (
- Published: June 14th, 2017 10:42
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 8686 metre (Common Metre = CM).
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 28
Very very nice...well written and set to the greatest song ON EARTH.....EVER. lol..great job
Thanks J.
The story behind this song of John Newton's is as fascinating as his song is beautiful . So I might say of your poem that has taught me a new concept word , that of encovented .
Thanks S. I reckon I made up that word to rhyme with 'beloved' (and other words)! There's 'covenanted in my dictionary, but not 'encovenanted'.
Yes it does exist . Google it and find it has religious beginnings , meanings , and current contexts .
Thanks S. I couldn't fit in 'encovenanted' as too many syllables for that line, so I used 'encov'ed. Spellchecker does not like the longer word!
"Let the peace of God rule". If only - good write.
Thanks G. I suppose that's it - we have to let or allow it..... And I believe that Christians do (or can) let it rule. But not all people have faith, sadly.
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