Son of mine


You, my kid, has the most detailed heart. When I think you have sorrow, you come up with a poem of glory. When I think you are scared of life, you tell me that you fear nothing. You are intrinsic to Gods destiny, that I can sense on your silenced world. Yet the darkness be your friend, where you transit and flirt with it, without being enamored or being pursued by it.
When I think I could read your mind, you twist your thoughts to new directions, so fast that it infuriates my own thoughts and mesmerizes my implication.
Son, I've know you since you were born. I love you with my heart dearly. Yet son of mine you are only not, but born from a species greater then I am. I'm still looking into your eyes and see the familiarity of an incognito.

  • Author: Malu (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 25th, 2017 20:17
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 51
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  • malubotelho

    Yes, they are. I have two boys and I'm happy to have them and the that they bring with them the perfume they girls. I'm very found of girls. I'm a very femenine soul and look for synergi.

  • Heather T

    My first and last born are boys. What a joy they are! Glad to be able to borrow all three of my brood. Lovely write.

  • kevin browne

    mesmerizing implication can only be a great thing to offer. most kids are confused about life until they sometimes reach their 30s, most don't ever get to understand the meanings of life and we bypass or miss so much due to the effect of the influence of others around who end up coping the things that you're not interested in
    stick to what you know and by the looks of it your kids are important in your life. this shows up from the effections in your work, heart and soul. that's a great thing so keep the good work up x

  • Michael Edwards

    Just found this inspired piece and yes, I am blessed to have two sons but equally blessed to have a daughter. They all now have children of their own and the joy they all bring is beyond compare.

  • orchidee

    A fine write M.

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