Other Women

Judy Booler

There's always going to be other women.

I don't think I'm ever going to be enough for any man.

Do I love too strongly? Do I care too much?

Should I wear less clothing? Should I let him call me a slut?

These other women that I find these men with.. they are so, so terribly plain.

They have no personality. Some of them hardly have a brain.

They only have what is between their legs.

But, I have so much more to offer than that.

I can love you. I can fight next to you and I will be your number one fan.

I want to try your favorite flavor of ice cream and I want to hear the way your favorite song escapes your lips.

I want to hold you when you have had the worst nightmare of your life.

I want to celebrate your victories and mourn your losses.

I want to turn the worn pages of my favorite book while you sip your god awful iced coffee.

I want to memorize every detail of your face and listen to your laugh on repeat.

I have so much to offer.

But you don't care.

There's always other women whispering seductive things in my man's ear.

The man that I am particularly writing about was never actually mine.

These were just wild fantasies that my mind made up, all because a man was polite to me and made me feel wanted for a few days.

The other woman, she's real.

  • Author: Judy Booler (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 7th, 2017 13:27
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 29
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  • burning-embers

    You are very real too. Real love, the shared romantic stuff cannot be constructed, demanded nor even denied. It just happens. Out of he blue comes something that's right for you. Be patient, it'll happen.

  • Goldfinch60

    Good write, you too are real.

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