My Heart Pounds


Today I looked at him.
My heart pounds.


The love that I've so desperately tried to run from chases me like a hound.
I was to to him fresh meat, willingly served on a plate ready to eat.
Maybe the love that he showed me was real
But was that same love offered with every meal.


Lock the doors and close the gate.
"Put an end to this, clearly this must be fate?"


I know you are going to struggle
I'm like an old train travelling through a dark tunnel.
My wheels continue to turn looking for the light
But with every turn it still doesn't feel right.


Now this is like a knife through my heart
I could really do with a fresh start.


But I was wrong this problem can't be solved by no formula
I'm the out of tune instrument in this orchestra.
Play my strings nicely this time, I beg of you
And make sure you listen carefully, so you don't miss your cue.


A second either way can change everything.


Today I looked at him.
My heart pounds...


  • Author: rosetintedview (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 10th, 2017 13:39
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 39
  • Users favorite of this poem: Lost Girl
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  • FredPeyer

    From seeing him looking at you (previous poem), you now look at him! And a fresh start might be nice, the question is with whom?
    As you can see from the above ramble, I do like your poem. Wanna read more! 🙂

    • rosetintedview

      Ahhh so you want to see who I'm looking at? Okay, I shall see what I can do 🙂

      • FredPeyer

        No, no, no! I am not interested in your love-life, only in your writing!!! 🙂

      • AmandaJade

        I enjoyed this very much! Nice work.

      • Lost Girl

        This piece is well written and I know what u mean, if you have the chance I would really appreciate if u read some of my poems and told me what u thought !

        • rosetintedview

          I have read some of your work and it's really clever, very good keep going. 🙂

          • Lost Girl

            Thank you for reading and the support 🙂

          • Goldfinch60

            Good write, my your heart be fulfilled.

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