Fits tune: Wolvercote
(one tune to 'O Jesus, I have promised')
Psalm 16
1. Preserve me, O God, for I trust
In you, hear me, renew
Your goodness extends to your saints
You uphold them, none faints
Sorrows shall come to those who go
After other gods, so
Their offerings I not follow
But only you I know
2. The LORD is becoem my portion
He true, the living one
He my inheritance, my cup
I commune with Him, sup
You O LORD, do maintain my lot
Unfaithful be you not
The lines have fallen pleasantly
In places fien for me
3. A goodly heritage have I
I bless the LORD, he nigh
Who counsels me, my conscience too
He does instruct, imbue
With His sure wisdom perfectly
And all my ways does see
Through day and night He leads me on
To image of His Son
4. The LORD I have set before me
Always, at my side, see
So shall I not be moved, for here
A firm ground do I share
With those who too trust in Him sure
In His providing store
Therefore my heart it is now glad
My tongue sings, 'tis not sad
5. My flesh also in hope shall rest
In you I shall be blest
For my soul you leave not in hell
But I your mercies tell
And Christ your Holy One, you will
Resurrect, Saviour still
This prophesied, and it did pass
To every age, race, class
6. You will show me the path of life
I shall have peace, not strife
In your presence fullness of joy
Sin not disturb, annoy
At you right hand, LORD, pleasure are
You the bright morning star
Pleasures for evermore there be
For each saved soul made free
orchidee (
- Published: July 17th, 2017 08:41
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 8686 8686 metre (Double Common Metre = DCM) and a look around Paisley Abbey in Scotland, UK.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 42
Another good write Orchi.
Thanks G/F.
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