Tune: Mount Zion [Pleyel]
('Give me the faith which can remove')
1 Corinthians 15 v.49-58
As we have borne image earthy
We shall too bear image heavenly
O Lord give faith that we believe
And shall this promise true receive
Though flesh and blood inherits not
The kingdom of God, 'tis believers' lot
Neither corruption inherits
Incorruption, but see this
In a mystery, here revealed
It shall be shown, and not concealed
We shall not all sleep death's long sleep
But shall all be changed, God [shall] us keep
In a moment, twinkling of [an] eye
At the last trumpet, the trumpet high
For the dead shall be raised up then
'Tis the time appointed for when
They be raised incorruptible
And we shall be changed, [to] Christ's image full
For this corruptible must put on
Incorruption, full life of [the] Son
And this mortal, it must put on
Immortality, for 'tis done
That then the saying shall show true
God has acted, made all things new
Then comes to pass the prophecy
'Death swallowed up in victory'
O death, where is your sting, where be?
O grave, where is your victory?
The sting of death is sin for sure
And the strength of sin is the law
But thanks to God, who gives victory
To us through our Lord, here Him see
Our Lord Jesus Christ, risen from dead
He e'er alive, our living Head
So continue steadfast, you know
No good deeds [are] wasted, in Him grow
orchidee (
- Published: August 12th, 2017 10:27
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 888888 metre.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 67
Thanks Santita. Yes, it's based on a passage by St Paul. He gets very involved at times, gets into 'full-flow'! Also, I had to leave out occasional 'joining' words, in places - such as 'and' or 'to', etc, or it would throw the tune out of order! It's a bit repetitive in places too.
I've adjusted it slightly, hopefully to be a bit easier, and added a few extra words [in brackets like this].
Excellent write orchidee.
Thanks AP.
Orchidee, it doesn't matter whether or not one is a believer, your poems ARE uplifting and beautiful. Thank you.
Thanks Fred.
Question: How do I add a music video to my entry? I tried copying and pasting the embed code into the place for it, but it doesn’t show up on the page. I must be missing a step in the process. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. – Accidental Poet.
Well, all I do is select the code of a You Tube clip. Then choose 'copy', using right-click. Then open the poem page. Position the cursor there, and choose 'paste' using right-click again. The actual 'embed code' does not show up when you have saved a poem. But the clip itself should show up at the start of the saved poem - if this helps?! Sometimes I may not have selected the code properly, in which case there won't be anything to 'paste'.
Yes, I've done the copy & paste and the code does go into the place to put it. But after I hit the publish button it's not there. I used to do this on another site and was always able to complete it. Very strange.
Ahhh, I see. I don't know then.
Thanks anyway, I'll get it figured out.
Another good write Orchi.
Thanks G/F. Another Methodist hymn! Well, he did over 6,000, yes?!
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