Mind how you fill the gap



Our thought system craves for order and knowledge.

Think of a robot that has an everlasting pile of books in library's college.

 He reads, and classifies into drawers,

 by tag lines, content, names and keywords.


Yet, what happens when he is in a state of uncertainty?

That cannot be, second level of solution is  a second level of accuracy.


He retrieves from computer memory books id  that are alike in size, weight or name,

And once there are more than one factor of similarity,

He sticks it in the drawer of compatibility.


Don’t be hurt if I compared your thoughts system to a robot,

Your mind is more advanced – it creates non stop imaginative- stories – a whole lot.


But the idea my friend is the same.

These are basically, the rules of the game.


Mind how you fill the gap of the unknown.

  • Author: AVIGAIL (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 14th, 2017 08:33
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 16
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    MIND THE GAP ~ This is the mantra on the London Tube System ~ because when passengers fall between the trains & the platform it's messy and upsets the schedule ! There are gaps in all "man made systems" and Robots (Librarians) are the type of genre who try to fill them. Mendeleev ~ who designed the MODERN PERIODIC TABLE of elements - believed in the exactness of the Table and left GAPS for elements yet to be discovered and even predicted the chemical and physical properties of the yet undiscovered elements ~ Only geneii do that ! The element below BARIUM (No. 56) he called ekaBARIUM and left a gap for it. When the Curies isolated RADIUM (No. 88) in the early 1900's it was indeed ekaBARIUM and in 1906 Mendeleev travelled from Moscow to Paris to thank the Curies for filling the gap, They also isolated POLONIUM (No. 84) which Mendeleev had named ekaTELLURIUM ! Other Scientists failed to develop an accurate Periodic Table because ~ THY REUSED TO LEAVE GAPS ~ believing that all the element had been discovered ! Because I am disciple of Mendeleev (as well as YOU) I always leave GAPS ! thanks for caring and sharing ~ LOVE & HUGS ~ Best Boy BRIAN XOX

    • avigail

      thanks for the info dear BBBB we need to be minded how and with what we fill the gap... are the components facts or stories we tell ourselves just to fill the gap...hugs and love

    • FredPeyer

      Very thought provoking writing here, Avigail. How do we fill the gaps? Probability is one way, based on similar (compatible?) experiences. Or sometimes we just need to take that leap of faith.

      • avigail

        thank you Fred... and sometimes our unconscious fear dresses imaginative scenarios we believe as truth they fill the gaps...

        • FredPeyer

          ....or unreasonable hope lets us see things that just are not there....

        • 1 more comment

        • WriteBeLight

          Very good advice Avigail!

          • avigail

            thanks WriteBeLight 🙂

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