Why Me?


           Why me?

You tease and call names, but why to me?

You push and shove but why to me?

You cheat and yell but why to me.

You laugh not with, but at why to me?

You write mean letters, but why to me?

You don’t listen, but why to me?

Why to me?

Because I’m a girl?

Because of my skin?

Because of what?


I won’t listen anymore.

I won’t waste my time with you bothering me.

I won’t let you manipulate me.

I won’t be your puppet.

I have a voice.

It will be heard.


Written by: Mystery Girl

  • Author: Mysterious (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 3rd, 2017 15:02
  • Comment from author about the poem: This is not based on my life. If it relates to yours remember your voice is heard.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 59
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    WELCOME MYSTERY ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ we are all digesting it and asking ourselves ~ WHY ME ? Love the style of your Poem and the repetition of the title phrase WHY ME ? It s a question we all ask from time to time ~ the problem is we don't always get the answer we want ~ and sometimes the answer we deserve ! Thanks for sharing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) Please check my poems ~ Thanks B.

  • Syd

    Love the poem, and the message you put out!

  • Accidental Poet

    Sadly, too many are the victims here of which you write. They don't deserve to be treated this way, and yet they are. Excellent write Mystery Girl.

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