Apple fresh 🍎


As she sat there on the couch
legs up on the foot stool, hair wet from a morning shower. A plate sitting on her lap carried an apple carefully cut into wedges.
She looked as fresh as the apple. The sound of her mouth, kept me hypnotized as she kept biting the apple pieces. The juices inside her mouth was tickling my mouth.
She looked at me and her eyes begun to say something but she stopped her thought because her mouth was full.
On that brief moment as she sat there eating her fresh apple, with her fresh wet hair on that fresh morning I felt that we formed the most perfect couple together.
On that very moment my heart fell in love with her again.

  • Author: Malu (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 8th, 2017 13:16
  • Comment from author about the poem: To write this I had to incorporate myself into a husband watching his wife eating apple in a fresh morning. At that moment I was the wife and the husband at the same time.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 45
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • ella

    Wow, amazing!!

    • malubotelho

      Thanks Ebu. Thanks for stopping by and leave this lovely comment.

    • Accidental Poet

      yes, the apple of love. What I wouldn't give to be that apple. ; )

      • malubotelho

        Well, I dont want to be the apple because the apple was being devoured. Too much pain to be the apple. Thanks AP. I always appreciate your visit and comments.

        • Accidental Poet

          Yes, but wasn't the apple what brought the two together?

          • malubotelho

            Not really, the apple was just a nutrient for the morning. They were together before the apple, he found it a special moment for his eyes. And he loved her for that.

          • FredPeyer

            You know, Malu, it is so beautiful that we can find love in everyday common things, like watching her eating an apple. There are moments when I watch my wife doing something and like a flash, the 'I love that woman' pops into my head.
            Your poem is so well written!

            • malubotelho

              Thanks Fred. I had to play as the guy here because I only had the imagination this way. I'm sure it happens all the time and my guy sometimes out of nowhere he says: oh! You look so cute doing this or that thing I'm doing at that moment. And he says: where you've been all that time that I only found you now. So, we have those cute moments too. Love is what makes our life important and each moment special. I'm happy that you love your wife so much. It is so beautiful. Keep calm and love more.

            • kevin browne

              constructed beautifully and it runs so sweet. great work.

            • Goldfinch60

              Absolutely beautiful write Malu.

              • malubotelho

                Thanks Goldie. Sometimes it happens.

                • Goldfinch60

                  With you it seems more often than not.

                • WL Schuett

                  Wonderful write of the simple things that make up a life , a love . Good poem

                  • malubotelho

                    Thanks WL. Yes, simple things also make great things.

                  • Poetic Dan

                    Brilliant, the image you painted mixed with so many of my own has left me feeling so peaceful and tranquil.
                    Thank you so much!

                  • Caring dove

                    Lovely words ! Nicely written 🙂

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