Bald Eagle

w c

Bald Eagle


The bald eagle has many fans

Both the old and the new

A little crowd in the stands

Watches his every move


We look at him with spotting scopes

And give our oohs and aahs

He preens as he spends his day

In his nest big and tall


Each prefers a lake or river

That is plentiful with fish

Talons catch a scaly dinner

That he feeds to his little chicks


The mighty thermals help lift him up

With his colors showing there

There’s no mistaking his identity

He is beautiful beyond compare


He returns to perch in his nest

For all of us to see

There he passes the numbers test

with his little family

  • Author: w c (Offline Offline)
  • Published: October 18th, 2017 08:08
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 36
  • User favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet.
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  • orchidee

    Lovely write wc.

    • w c

      Thanks Orchidee! I'm honored that you enjoyed it!

    • Accidental Poet

      Awesome write on one of my most favorite birds. I've watched video cams of a Eagle's nest with two Eaglets watching them grow over the time the camera is running. So cool to see into a Eagle's way of life. And your poem here tells that story so well. ; )

      • w c

        Thanks AP! The Bald Eagle is one of my favorite birds as well. He's such a strong and beautiful bird. It hasn't been that long ago that He was endangered. Thank God they have fought back, and their numbers are up again.The video of the Eaglets sounds neat. Thanks for your comment!

        • Accidental Poet

          You can usually find the videos on Youtube titled "Eaglecam"

        • Goldfinch60

          Glorious bird. One of my friends here in the UK is an amateur wildlife photographer and he and his wife had a holiday in Florida a few years ago, Not for him the beaches or Disney World, they went round the rubbish dumps photographing bald eagles!
          Good write.

          • w c

            Thanks Goldfinch. Other than a zoo experience several years ago, all my experiences with the the bald eagle have been special. He really is a most handsome bird!

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