Louis Gibbs


Blessed are those with simple beliefs

With which they've been indoctrinated,

For theirs is a world of blacks and whites,

Infused with credence to imagined absolutes.

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  • FredPeyer

    Louis, while I agree in principal with the premise of your poem, I do think it is a little bit too simplistic, a little bit too black/white. Personally I think there are also many shades of grey. To each his/her own. Whether or not we agree with the premises, I am sure we all have to agree that it is very well written!

    • Louis Gibbs

      You might have misinterpreted, Fred. You certainly do not fall into the category of those with simple beliefs, blacks and whites. As you say, you see the shades of grey. I refer to fundamentalists of whatever religious dogma they have adopted and cling to as their beliefs. Your vision encompasses much more than that, my friend.

      • FredPeyer

        Ah, thank you Louis, I see what you mean!

        • Louis Gibbs

          And I thank you, Fred, for letting me know that!

        • Michael Edwards

          Well this certainly appeals to me even though all is not black and white in their world - and love the last line which sums it up - so well structured and a sure fave.

          • Louis Gibbs

            From the standpoint of their adopted beliefs, there are no shades of grey, Michael. Try challenging them on that, you will quickly see what I mean. I'm referring to fundamentalists of any religion. Thanks for your always welcome input!

          • orchidee

            Good write Louis.
            God is sometimes called The Absolute and similar titles. One said to me: 'Why don't you question your beliefs more; have a change maybe; you may have been brainwashed?'
            For me it would be disastrous, and dismantle my faith. Not that I'm bigoted - hope not!

            • Louis Gibbs

              I fully understand where you are coming from, 'O', and would not presume to dismantle your faith. We are all free to chose whatever we believe, and I respect that. Thank you for your always kind input, my friend.

            • Accidental Poet

              Beautifully stated Louis.

              • Louis Gibbs

                Thank you so much, AP. Much appreciated!

              • Fay Slimm.

                I find the first line so very true Louis - - blessed are those with simple beliefs - - and to this I would add no more except to comment how well structured this powerful piece is. Loud applause for outing a difficult subject my friend.

                • Louis Gibbs

                  Thank you, my friend, for your always wise and respected input. A difficult subject, to say the least! The poem is inspired by all the madness being played out around the world in the name of religious beliefs, simplistic belief systems indoctrinated into people from birth. Nothing new, historically speaking, but rising to a paradigm-shifting level I fear. We shall see how it all plays out.
                  Again, I appreciate your comments, Fay!

                • dusk arising

                  Ho-ho right on brother! Boy do I love this. Less is more and this is so powerful. Straight into my favourites.

                  • Louis Gibbs

                    Most kind of you, Dusk! Thank you for the positive response and for making it a fav.

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