Childhood Romance

Whisky Vandal

My childhood sweetheart, my first and only love

her beauty unparalleled, as graceful as a dove

the girl I love, oh boy, what a catch

the only problem is, everyones seen her snatch

everyones seen her snatch, everyone in the town

if sluts were royalty, she would be wearing a crown

she's never happier, than with her legs in the air

she'd take on the whole football team, without a single care 

everyones had a go, most of them more than once

my friends laugh at me, mock me, call me a dunce

for falling in love with a whore

but i can't help but adore

this girl everyones worn like a glove

cos in the end, she's still my childhood love

  • Author: Whisky Vandal (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 24th, 2017 19:07
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 28
  • Users favorite of this poem: Syd
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  • Syd

    Brilliant Whisky Vandal. You can't help who you fall in love with - Syd

    "if sluts were royalty, she would be wearing a crown" lol

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