Under The Stars With You.

Chanel T.

Under The Stars With You

Sitting under the stars with you is everything I ever wanted. Our connection builds as the moon shines upon our skin. Relaxed by the heat around us, taking away by the stars and darkness with a hint of moon light. We come together, letting each other go with the building vibe. I lay my head on your chest, hearing your heart beat pound for the first time. Taking away by such music to my ears, you are beautiful, my love for you will never fade. You hold me into the night, as I hold you as well. We build around the dark sky, our favorite jewel from the earth.
I take you in, you take me in.

  • Author: Chanel T. (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 8th, 2018 20:32
  • Comment from author about the poem: The love I have for him.
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 13
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  • Goldfinch60

    Beautiful loving write.

    • Chanel T.

      Thabk you so much.

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