Sky-Blue Melancholy

Nicholas Browning


The gold trimmed hedges of my youth proclaim,
"I am a figment, both in self and in name",
Existing further beyond tides and mantles.
Fervent are their paintings, splattered along my halls:
Brought forth to be damned by some righteously ill-summoned squall.
Simply another memory, that my pneuma can't seem to handle.


The slate-woven mountains of the present deem:
Not much, this world, for prosperity.
Larceny, treason, homicide for god's sake.
All the wailing peasants turning to a Hero to right their wrongs.
For the sake of knowing nothing, though,
They still chant that god's song.


The poignant hyacinths of my future presume,
Ferocious wealth or misfortune loom.
Dependant on my actions, reliant on the occasion,
One false pace,
And the story would close: To which no one is immune.


Rattled by the unknown, the course of a silent beck,
Faint hindrances begin to bloom.
Combating like salmon through the opposition,
Tip of the tongue, almost spoken.
What was it again, was it . .
Fission, or amalgamation?

  • Author: Nicholas Browning (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 16th, 2018 08:53
  • Comment from author about the poem: The picture included is of a Blue Hyacinth. A flower representing constancy, which means "The quality of being faithful and dependable." I used this because it fits well with the theme of flowers and the color blue. This poem represents where I currently am in life. Interpret how you will, or feel free to ask me questions! I don't mind discussing things. Let me know what you guys think, and I'll see you later! Some strange words here, let me help you guys out. haha. Squall - gust of wind - Pneuma - spirit - Slate - a grayish blue color - Beck - a mountain stream - Fission - the action of splitting something into two or more parts - Amalgamation - the action, process, or result of combining or uniting.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 38
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  • Lorna

    Why can't I read this Nicholas! It's all symbols!!!? It looks like cyrillic or hebrew on my computer????

    • Nicholas Browning

      Is it fixed now? If not I'll have to re-upload it.

      • Nicholas Browning

        What in the world. That can't be from my end. No way jose.

      • 2 more comments

      • orchidee

        Good write as a poem - as I often say to folk. The theme has gone over my head. No 'pennies have dropped' in me thinking!

        • Nicholas Browning

          Well the theme is kind of like applesauce. You don't get it until you beat something else up 😀 haha, I'm just joking. Poor apples. It's a tribute to how my life has played out so far. How even though there are a myriad of possibilities, everything I see and do has a slight blue tint. Blue is my favorite color, but it's a sad color nonetheless. Sky blue is the happiest of the family, in my opinion, haha. Thank you very much for your kind words Orch.

          • orchidee

            Thanks N. \it's said there are four 'types' of people, though I don't go along with it much. believed more in ye olden days maybe - melancholic, choleric, sanguine, and phlegmatic. 'Lil bit of psychology there maybe. lol.

          • 1 more comment

          • Michael Edwards

            Love the way you use the language in this - great write Nicholas.

            • Nicholas Browning

              I was second guessing myself all the way. I'm glad you like it my friend. Thank you for stopping by!

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