Digestive Dunking


It’s time for tea and dunking

A crisp Digestive biscuit

But before immersion into the hot beverage

And to aid entry into my mug

I snap the biscuit in two

The contours of my broken biscuit

Remind me of a Norwegian coastline

With their fiords , coves , peninsulas and inlets

I wonder whether the snapped shape is unique

Or whether another dunker has ever

Snapped or will ever snap the exact same shape

A shape that would mate exactly with one half of mine

To form the perfect Digestive circle

With no hint of forced togetherness

I surmise that given sufficient dunkings

Over untold millennia and myriads of time

By the laws of probability

There must have been or will be a perfect mate

In the same way surely

That enough explosions in a printing factory

Could produce the complete works of Shakespeare

Or the union of two gene pools could produce an identical twin

From different parents

Great thoughts and musings

Are prompted during dunkings

But now it is time to savour

My soft and warm Digestive fragment

Which I must ingest quickly

Before it becomes too tea –sodden and structurally unstable

With the ever present risk of disintegration

Breaking off and sinking to the bottom of my mug

Such important ponderings must therefore cease


  • Author: Classicmister (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 17th, 2018 07:29
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 53
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  • orchidee

    A fine write Classic. Yes, too long dunking and one has to dive in with the spoon to retrieve it. Or if too late, be carful not to choke on it at the bottom of the cup!

    • Classicmister

      Thank you orchidee for taking the trouble to comment on my poem - I'm glad you enjoyed it. Go well.

    • Lorna

      Great read - and you didn't even mention the other dimensions where there are even more possibilities!

      • Classicmister

        Thank you Lorna for taking the trouble to comment on my poem - I'm glad you enjoyed it. Go well.

      • Nicholas Browning

        This was a good chuckle and structured piece of insight too. Nice.

        • Classicmister

          Thank you Nicholas for taking the trouble to comment on my poem - I'm glad you enjoyed it. Go well.

        • Kevin Michael Bloor

          I can hear your voice in this poem and I can almost see your stream of consciousness flowing into the lines. I like how you have taken a seemingly mundane, commonplace item and activity and around them have woven a complex philosophical, reflective poem. I love the allusions: "That enough explosions in a printing factory Could produce the complete works of Shakespeare" & a Norwegian coastline With their fiords , coves , peninsulas and inlets". I also like your contemplation about a 'soul mate' for your broken biscuit. And I love that last line: "Such important ponderings must therefore cease". All in all, a unique composition that i am sure would reward further reading and study. Excellent! Well done! My fave line has got to be: "Great thoughts and musings
          Are prompted during dunkings"

          • Classicmister

            Thank you so much for your very kind comments and I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. I wrote it very quickly just minutes before I posted it so I guess that the best stuff often comes spontaneously without too much pre-planning or editing.

          • Michael Edwards

            Just found this and had a smile on my face - enjoyed it muchly.

            • Classicmister

              Thank you Michael for taking the trouble to comment and I'm glad it made you smile.

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