Pondering His Presence


Tune: Luckington

('Let all the world in every corner sing')


Redemption's dawn, salvation's happy morn

The curtain torn

In Temple, holy place

God shielded from our face

For there He did reside

[In] Holy of Holies bide

But now open, access to God, come free

Through Christ come we [in]


For He the way has opened for us now

And this be how

His life upon the cross

He gave to redeem loss

That sins forgiven be

Cleansed, washed, eternally

Our only hope, come to God through His Son

The holy one


How can I stand before the Lord God, He

Perfect e'er be

Without a trace of night

His being full of light

His nature love and grace

And His mercies we trace

But Christ His Son, our judgement He did take

Does us saints make


No fine elite, but we who sanctified

in Christ confide

Depend on Him alway

Our rock, our strength, our stay

Eternal life He gave

To us, came to us save

And so redeemed, we join His family

He our Lord be






  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 13th, 2018 01:47
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in metre.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 43
  • Users favorite of this poem: Laura🌻
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  • Frogspoetry

    Very beautiful.Thank you for sharing

    • orchidee

      Thanks Frogs.

    • onepauly

      peace be with you.

      • orchidee

        And also with you, as is said!

        • onepauly

          you know and I know.

          • orchidee

            Thanks Pauly.

          • Heartwriter

            You are always a bright light. A nice thing to view. Thanks for sharing.

            • orchidee

              Thanks Heart. Choir looks bit grumpy! lol.

            • Laura🌻

              Singing to our heart’s content is a great thing! A beautiful share!


              • orchidee

                Thanks Laura - Erm, except if it's me singing. It brings horrible discontent to all! heehee.

                • Laura🌻

                  We’ll be the judge of that...after we’ve heard you sing. No preconceived ideas or judgement by me!
                  Like St. Thomas...I’ll have to see (in your case hear you) to believe it!😃

                  • orchidee

                    Well, here's a sample: 'Meeooowwwooooo!!' That's it! Aww, why some say 'Is that you singing or two cats fighting?!' (bet I sing quite nicely really. lol).
                    What is bad is that some make no attempt to sing. A written prayer in a church rather defeats the object. It starts 'Lord, I become silent....!' Doh, but we're they're to sing and speak, as well as listen!

                    • Laura🌻

                      I bet you do sing quite nicely!😊

                      • orchidee

                        'The hills are alive.....' Just call me Julie (Andrews)! lol.

                      • Goldfinch60


                        • orchidee

                          Thanks Gold.

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