round the lake walk #87 (final): dream of flight

Frank Prem

are you


so quiet


I believe you
are lost
in a dream


a dream
of flying



  • Author: Frank Prem (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 19th, 2018 20:09
  • Category: Friendship
  • Views: 10
  • Users favorite of this poem: Laura🌻
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  • Laura🌻


    So glad to see you back with a fine pic and write!
    Missed your postings!


    • Frank Prem

      G'day Laura. Still around, but very busy writing-wise at my blog. I'm also starting to get cracking on some self publishing using Print-on-demand technology.

      Busy busy.

      Hope all is well where you are and with yourself.

    • onepauly

      come fly with me.

      • Frank Prem

        Away we go, Pauly.


      • Goldfinch60

        No not lost, still here but my dreams are flying.
        Good to see you back.

        • Frank Prem

          I hope it's a fine flight that you're having, GF.


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