Believers Boldness


Tune: Laos Deo

('Bright the vision that delighted')

Acts 4 v.23-31


The disciples unto prayer went

With one accord, no relent

Lifted up their voice together

Prayed with holy endeavour


Said, You, Lord are God, you have made

Heaven, earth, sea, all arrayed

Who by your servant David sure

Prophesied of days in store


David said, Why did heathen rage

The Lords work try to assuage?

Why did they vain things imagine?

Oppositions did begin


For the kings of the earth did stand

And rulers of all the land

Stood, gathered there against the Lord

But could not withstand His Word


His Word is the Lord's Christ, Jesus

Bringing salvation to us

Though they gathered, it was truly

To do what you said would be


For nothing escapes your knowing

You ever know everything

Now, Lord, behold those who threaten

Us, grant to us we be men


Men and women, boys and girls too

Grant us boldness, us renew

We your servants ask all boldness

To speak your full words no less


And stretch forth your hand to heal here

Your signs and wonders appear

They done by your child, your Son sure

Who obeyed you evermore


When they had prayed, the place did shake

Where they were, the Lord did make

Them bold in His name, fresh power

Of His Spirit for each hour


So they went forth, re-empowered

The Spirit on them was showered

All were filled and spake with boldness

The word of God, and did bless

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 25th, 2018 01:36
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 8787. It went on a bit, but could not really left out anything from the passage.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 43
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  • Goldfinch60

    Good one Orchi.

    • orchidee

      Thanks Gold.

    • Laura🌻


      Yes, let’s go forth and enjoy this wonderful day that we’ve been given!


      • orchidee

        Thanks Laura. Erm, I was going forth - then it turned to rain! (we wish) heehee. Well, we need it here in UK.

      • Heartwriter

        Thanks for the wisdom!

        • orchidee

          Thanks Heart.

        • FineB

          A beautiful poem Orchidee.

          Thank you.

          In God we are strong and bold even in our weakness.

          Keep writing

          • orchidee

            Thanks Fine.

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