Comments received on poems by lauragarcia

Where Everything Falls into Place
Goldfinch60 said:

That person will be with you and you will know beyond all shadow of doubt.
Welcome to MPS.

May 8th, 2017 00:26

Where Everything Falls into Place
LML said:

Me to❤️Sorry if u had to go threw abuse😫 I hope ur ok now😊

May 7th, 2017 22:50

Where Everything Falls into Place

WELCOME LAURA ~ Thanks for your first poem. Excellent structure with rhyme & rhythm and a good choice of subject ~ \"right place & right time\" We all have purpose in our lives and that includes \"relationships\" I waited and I believe my current GF is Miss Right an she thinks the same about me. We believe that all things work fit into a good pattern ~ if we love GOD. You are right to be patient but also expectant ! Every Blessing ~ BRIAN (UK) Please check my poems ~ Thanks B.

May 7th, 2017 17:47

Where Everything Falls into Place
swingline said:

You should let God bring you the right person . I didn\'t wait for God and I chose who I married . The first wife was Buddhist . The second wife Wican . And both marriages ended up in divorce . Now I say if I ever get married again God will issue me my wife .

May 7th, 2017 10:36