Comments received on poems by Anonymous_

Sleep A Little Longer
LML said:

I have times where I\'m so tired and I want to sleep so bad but my mind races and races and it takes forever to fall asleep. Then I fall asleep and wake up threw out the night. But I could lay in bed for days. Just doing nothing eating nothing. The bed is such an addictive place. I really like the last rhyme. It\'s so true 🌞

May 9th, 2017 06:32

Sleep A Little Longer
swingline said:

I guess you\'re talking depression . I guess I had that addiction to sleep one time when I was in college . I would sleep up to class time , come back to my dorm and sleep between classes . Then when classes were over I would sleep until the next day . You miss a lot of meals that way , lose weight , get thin . All of your friends don\'t know you . You\'re just a slim stranger to them .

May 8th, 2017 12:44

swingline said:

Much to love to write about yet we struggle to put it down . Love must be infinite as every love poem is unique , new , fresh .

May 8th, 2017 04:40


WELCOME \"A\" Thanks for your first poem ~ I love LOVE poems ! Love the structure ~ five neat quatrains ~ replete with rhyme & rhythm ! It is a mystical and enigmatic poem about an absent lover who manifests himself as a Ghost and Tide flowing over you. A love that does not manifest itself in words or feelings or actions a very mystical lover. Some of us can empathise Friend ~ we have all experienced such a lover at least once. Thanks for sharing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) Please check my poems ~ Thanks B :o)

May 7th, 2017 16:16