Comments received on poems by The_broken_Angel
I screwed up
Goldfinch60 said:
Good write. You will always move on until you meet that special person with whom you will be with forever.
May 11th, 2017 01:00
Goldfinch60 said:
Good write. You will always move on until you meet that special person with whom you will be with forever.
May 11th, 2017 01:00
I screwed up
Warded Seabee said:
I felt this poem when I read. it as I have felt with an ex that I adored but could not make happy. For a long time I had punished myself thoughts like this. I have not met anyone since but I have moved on because I knew she wasn\'t perfect, but perfect to me. So when I saw the flaw in my attractions, I had realized how toxic she truly was. Great poem, I sympathize and hope you well.
May 10th, 2017 14:10
Warded Seabee said:
I felt this poem when I read. it as I have felt with an ex that I adored but could not make happy. For a long time I had punished myself thoughts like this. I have not met anyone since but I have moved on because I knew she wasn\'t perfect, but perfect to me. So when I saw the flaw in my attractions, I had realized how toxic she truly was. Great poem, I sympathize and hope you well.
May 10th, 2017 14:10