Comments received on poems by taia edwards

your my otther half
Cheeky Missy said:

This beautifully conveys the reality of "being in love." Short and sweet. And poignant.

August 31st, 2011 21:57

Cheeky Missy said:

The expression of total attachment and fulfillment perfectly expresses being "in love." The element of despair in both the title and conclusion is a tad confusing, as if this is only the first stanza to a larger work. Wherefore despair? Excellent depiction.

August 23rd, 2011 21:27

~My Rose~
Cheeky Missy said:

Great imagery, conveying via the helpful author's note, the reality of "love" gone awry. The fragrant beauty lures and pricks so painfully, a superb metaphor. A tad reminiscent of the medieval romance of Barbara Allen's cruelty.

August 23rd, 2011 21:22