Comments received on poems by PigletLuvr4Life

The Similarities Between Love and Death.

WELCOME PIGLET (cute pen name !) Thanks for your first poem ~ which is full of PATHOS # but at the same time UNDERSTANDING (of the nature of Love) and HOPE for future Love ! Being a MAN ~ my MANTRA is \"Better to have loved and lost\" because I learn something from all my \"Encounters with Love\" ~ the Good ~ the Bad and the Ugly (that\'s the encounter not the LADY ! I appreciate that that MANTRA (of Lost love) is less easy for a LADY fr a variety of reasons. YES there are similarities between the \"Death fo Love\" and Death itself ~ BUT ~ Thank God ~ Female Friends of mine (not my Girl Friends !) who have cried on my shoulder and have threatened to commit SUICIIDE (because of a broken Love Affair) NEVER HAVE. Thanks for caring and sharing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) .

July 28th, 2017 11:12