Comments received on poems by GMO1

Right Before

Thanks Friend ~ A lovely Tribute to the Iconic Twin Towers and the 3000 innocent souls who died with her ! I was in America on 9.11.2001 and I was made An Honorary American on the DAY because I shared in the Angst, My Friend ALAN worked on Floor 101 N Tower ~ BUT ~ By the Grace of God ~ He was out of Office on an Assignment. In 2002 he took me to Ground Zero but he cried all day. I have been to see the Memorial (Water flowing into a bottomless hole) I think it appropriate, 67 UK Citizens died in the Attack and we remember them every year at our own Memorial. Thanks for the Memory ~ We will never forget them ~ Yours BRIAN

September 11th, 2017 12:47

Right Before
Louis Gibbs said:

A stark poetic reminder of a stark and terrible day. Good write, GMO! Welcome to MPS.

September 11th, 2017 11:46