Comments received on poems by elliemarie

The mess of words from depression
dusk arising said:

Very strong emotive writing. Difficult to read without becoming emotionally involved. Good writing.

January 9th, 2018 14:06

I am a murderer

WELCOME ELLIE ~ Thanks for a very honest and open first poem ~ I am sure you found it CATHARTIC to share it ! I loved the POWER and FRANKNESS in your \"straight from the heart\" confession ! You have chosen the right site because we are all empathetic. As we go through LIFE we all SELF-DESTRUCT to some degree ~ some sadly to an ultimate degree ! My MANTRA is \"These three things I do ~ Forget the PAST ~ SIEZE TODAY and press on the Opportunities and Joys of tomorrow\" You know you can do it ! Every Blessing ~ Thinking of You ~ Praying for You ~ Your Friend BRIAN (UK) The way MPS works is: If you comment on the Poems of others ~ they will comment on Yours ~ and you can also build up a GRUOP of MPS Friends ~ B.

December 16th, 2017 09:58

I am a murderer
daisychain said:

What an amazingly honest and insightful poem....well done for being brave enough to publish it.

December 16th, 2017 06:04

I am a murderer
PoeticPsycho said:

Very deep. Thank you for having the courage to share something so personal.

December 16th, 2017 03:02