Comments received on poems by ThatThugUnicorn

Who I Am.

WELCOME FRIEND ~ Thanks for your first POEM ~ WOW some poem ~ some confession and a baring of your soul ! I have faced the UPS & DOWNS of LIFE so I can empathise ! Stanza 1 ~ A decision to change to become more popular ? S 2 ~ \"Loneliness\" is the most difficult part ! S 3 ~ The decisions we make to be part of the \"in crowd\" all have their price ! Men feed on Girls who crave LOVE ~ but they never give LOVE or RESPECT in return and leave you empty because you have played your TRUMP CARD ! S 4 ~ I too love to be ON TOP ~ School ~ Church ~ Family are all very important and spheres in which we CAN SHINE ~ BUT when it all goes PEAR SHAPED ~ one SELF-WORTH turns to SELF LOATHING and loss of SELF-ESTEEM ! Well FRIEND you are at the BOTTOM NOW and the only way is UP ~ You will find MPS is a very empathetic site ! I am now working (which is much less bitchy than SCHOOL !) and I have a STEADY GF (Angela) who support me ~ so I am on the UP so can you be ! Every Blessing ~ Thinking of YOU ~ BRIAN (UK)

February 19th, 2018 10:17

Who I Am.
dusk arising said:

I found that in running from my recent past i became what i was before and was welcomed back into my real world. I suppose it all depends upon how you look at life.

February 19th, 2018 01:40