Comments received on poems by Maleah

Crash Into Me

WELCOME MALEAH ~ Thanks for your first Poem ~ Beautifully penned ~ full of rhythm ~ but personal ~ painful and two sided ! You start by eulogising your MAN and craving for a \"collision\" and then it all changes ! Love is a \"collision\" of two hearts ~ two minds ~ two personalities and two spirits. You long to fuse as one forever ! BUT that is so often where it begins to go wrong and the \"COLLISION\" causes pain & hurt & wrong ! HE then cause opposite vibes HE\'s the ONE you want to run way from ~ the ONE you don\'t want to be with or close to ~ the ONE you now avoid colliding with ~ to HOLD YOURSELF UP ! It happens and it has happened to me and LOVE turns to HATE so quickly it\'s frightening ! I learnt something from every \"collision\" and am now engaged to ANGELA (see my poems !) Experience tells me it is easier for Males to recover from emotional breakdown. Every Blessing for the future ~ Yours BRAIN (UK)

May 7th, 2018 14:36