Comments received on poems by note2self
Beginning of something new
Goldfinch60 said:
Fate is always there and the question why can never be answered. That love is real, accept it with an open heart. Good write.
Welcome to MPS.
November 2nd, 2018 01:30
Goldfinch60 said:
Fate is always there and the question why can never be answered. That love is real, accept it with an open heart. Good write.
Welcome to MPS.
November 2nd, 2018 01:30
Beginning of something new
WELCOME FRIEND ~ Thanks for a very elegant and meaningful Poem on the subject of LOVE & FATE ! Angela and I feel like that and it is to some extent expressed in our Collaboration Poem today. It is a paraphrase on one of ELVIS\' early songs MY HAPPINESS ! Im 35 & Angela is 30 and even though we are separated by 11 thousand miles (UK & New Zealand) we know why FATE (we call it GOD !) brought us together ~ TO SHARE TRUE LOVE TOGETHER ! The distance does not diminish our TRUE LOVE it strengthens it because (until we I can visit again in April 2019) absence really does make our Hearts grow fonder. Thanks for sharing a challenging Poem ! MPS works by reading & commenting on each others Poems ~ OK Yours BRIAN & ANGELA !
November 1st, 2018 15:58
WELCOME FRIEND ~ Thanks for a very elegant and meaningful Poem on the subject of LOVE & FATE ! Angela and I feel like that and it is to some extent expressed in our Collaboration Poem today. It is a paraphrase on one of ELVIS\' early songs MY HAPPINESS ! Im 35 & Angela is 30 and even though we are separated by 11 thousand miles (UK & New Zealand) we know why FATE (we call it GOD !) brought us together ~ TO SHARE TRUE LOVE TOGETHER ! The distance does not diminish our TRUE LOVE it strengthens it because (until we I can visit again in April 2019) absence really does make our Hearts grow fonder. Thanks for sharing a challenging Poem ! MPS works by reading & commenting on each others Poems ~ OK Yours BRIAN & ANGELA !
November 1st, 2018 15:58