Comments received on poems by Jezika J

Little Girl
lonelyraccoon said:

This is a wonderful poem, definitely something I could relate to. Things do get better and the journey to that realization alone isn\'t always a clear or straight-cut path. These battle wounds given to us by life as we grow will heal.

November 17th, 2020 23:53

Dear America,
L. B. Mek said:

I like your strong voice, I like your use of realistic imagery and your way of contrasting the hypocrisy with apt metaphorically poignant commentary,
try to trim down and refine your writes when speaking on a topic that you know people have written about before,
imagine your topic or subject as the centrepiece to your outfit and all your words are merely accessorising the look you want to convey (if that makes sense to you, lol),
keep writing and reading, remember to have fun

October 6th, 2020 03:44

Dear America,
Goldfinch60 said:

Such a telling write Jezika, although I have never been to Mexico or America the feeling that I get is that Mexicans are not respected at all and yet the programmes I have seen and the articles that I have read always show Mexicans as a vibrant happy people.
Keep writing your words.

Welcome to MPS.

October 6th, 2020 00:31

Dear America,

Angela Aqui ~ HOLA JEZIKA ~ Como estes tu ? Bienevido a MPS y gracias por tu Prmera Poema es muy bien y muy verdad ! WE have been to Mexico several times - Mexico City - Puebla - Vera Cruz - Acapulco - Tijuana etc ! Amazing Country - Lovely People y Comida Caliente y Piquante ! About 15% of American Citizens are Hispanics and we notice that like the Afro- Americans (13%) they do a lot of the Menial Jobs and the USA is very dependent on them. The Democrats are much more inclusive of the Hispanics & Afro-Americans than the Republicans & Trump. Make sure you vote for JOE BIDEN in Novemer. Thanks for sharing your Poem Your thoughts which ring true. It is true that Mexico did (and still is) contribute to the Birth & Growth of America and much of Texas & California & All of Florida once belongs to Mexico & Spain. We pray for the whole of Latin & Central America & Cuba etc. We have visited Cuba & Peru ~ Awesome. Also Spain & Portugal. Mi Padre es Espanol (Don Pedro de la Plata) Mi Familia espanola habitan a Sevilla. I was born & raised in London England. My Mama - Mary - is English ! We live & Work in Essex - ENGLAND. Please check our Site ~ A & B !

Benediciones y Paz y Alegria y Amor de .......
Angela y Brian (Esposo) y Gato Ahumido 💛💛💛

October 5th, 2020 17:50