Comments received on poems by Fatlass

Rainbows of your Love
Fatlass said:

You must be a Leprechaun, because I feel that your words, along with other comments, are my pot of gold at the end of the rainboe. Thank you for taking the time to read my poem and commenting, it means so much to me.
Best Wishes

December 4th, 2020 10:03

Rainbows of your Love
Neville said:

The beautiful title first drew me in and then you held my attention throughout ...

What a fine introduction to your craft I just stumbled upon whilst chasing a rainbow across a page .....

All Good Things my friend,


December 4th, 2020 09:24

Rainbows of your Love
dusk arising said:

Wow! The quality of your poetry is excellent.
A very personal and moving subject here covered with such grace. It\'s as if you rose above this painful part of your life and moved along, containing it. There are no scathing words of anger or recrimination which really lifts this piece.

I\'m sure you will begin to attract more and more readers of your work judging by what i have seen so far.

This poem goes into my favourites.

December 4th, 2020 02:43

Heavens door
dusk arising said:

This is damned good poetry. Well thought out and composed with brilliant closure.
I\'m far from conventionally religious but believe the good within us can be side tracked away from the positive by all sorts of influences. If we are lucky we catch the sight of that light and it really means something to us. Because we aren\'t ones who learned so called godly ways from a book, and about ancient fairy tales. No,... we actually feel it.

Your post certainly struck a note in me.

So welcome to MPS. This place works best if we comment upon each others posts, encouraging, sharing thoughts etc and of course making pals with like minded people. I\'m looking forward to seeing more of your poetry and thoughts.

December 1st, 2020 19:18