Comments received on poems by subregi

River of Life
Jayasree said:

Lovely! A whole life in one poem, with a beautiful message.

June 18th, 2021 07:02

River of Life
L. B. Mek said:

I like how you smoothly transferred
from depicting a literal flowing river
to a metaphorical symbol for growth,
a detailed and well measured write..
thanks for sharing

June 18th, 2021 03:42

River of Life
orchidee said:

A fine write Subregi.

June 18th, 2021 01:41

River of Life
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words subregi, the wonder of a full satisfying life portrayed in glorious words.


June 18th, 2021 00:26

Goldfinch60 said:

Very true words subregi, if only those who have would share with the have-nots the world would be a wonderful place all over.


June 8th, 2021 00:37

Saxon Crow said:

Sadly, it appears you may bevery right. The inevitable is happening and words like \'promise\' become a different meaning. Good, honest poem there

June 8th, 2021 00:30

School Reunion
L. B. Mek said:

really like your unique unfolding
exemplified in poetic form
as well as pointedly accented flow
with delicate word choices
used to make the read, more vivid..
(reading back my words is always surreal
I can never get over how pompous I sound
but what I do I know eh?) lol
thanks for sharing
such an intriguing and relatable read, dear poet

June 7th, 2021 05:45

School Reunion
Goldfinch60 said:

That reunion sounds so wonderful subregi.


June 7th, 2021 00:24

School Reunion
Trenz Pruca said:

Good images and emotions. Thanks.

June 6th, 2021 12:59

Global Warning
Doggerel Dave said:

Couldn\'t agree more, subregi. Makes me sick at the complacency apparent among those in power. and the rest of us who keep them there.

June 2nd, 2021 04:53

Global Warning
dusk arising said:

Seems so easy to think about and tell ourselves its right to make serious changes for our planet, our home. Easy until we step outside into our polluting motor cars and visit the supermarket to buy non biodegradeable plastic packaged goods.
I am as guilty as anyone so cannot point a finger but i try in my guilty small ways to make a difference to the HUGE issue you describe today.
We need plenty of reminders such as your good words today.

June 2nd, 2021 04:42

Unidentified Flying Object?
Goldfinch60 said:

That kite will fly into the wonder of the sky with ease and passion.


June 1st, 2021 01:42

Unidentified Flying Object?
Doggerel Dave said:


May 31st, 2021 21:48

The Will You Write
L. B. Mek said:

thanks for sharing, dear poet

May 31st, 2021 03:41

The Will You Write
Doggerel Dave said:


May 30th, 2021 01:58

Ode to my dear aunt
jarcher54 said:

I like the staccato, slightly unnatural artifice you built here. Did she die around 9-1-2018? I miss her and I didn\'t even know her. Very sweet, almost an epitaph, and very much a sign of true respect.

May 29th, 2021 01:52

Ode to my dear aunt
Doggerel Dave said:


May 29th, 2021 00:40

Post-truth in wonderland
Doggerel Dave said:

By the tenor of your piece I thought you were from the US , UK or Australia then I find out you are from India! Could not help but laugh at the conundrums embodied in your work; then the seriousness of the situation overcame me. Neat, clever and illuminating..
BTW – Does your user photo depict/symbolize a red hot poker you would like to do something with???

May 28th, 2021 20:53

Post-truth in wonderland
dusk arising said:

I think i\'m going to go live in a cave now. I can no longer trust in anything except of course the English weather.... bad as usual.

What an entertaining and cleverly written piece youve posted today. I enjoyed the read.

May 28th, 2021 06:51

Leaders of our times
Goldfinch60 said:

Very true words subregi, they are only in it for what they can get out of it for themselves and do not care about others.


May 28th, 2021 00:02

Leaders of our times
Doggerel Dave said:

I couldn\'t better analyze what is dysfunctional about that class known as Politicians, subregi.
I only hope \'The day of reckoning is comming\'....

May 27th, 2021 05:42

Leaders of our times
L. B. Mek said:

\'The day of reckoning is coming
and the signs of it are in the making\'..
where \'we\' the lowly majority
pay the price with our crimson tears
for stubbornly, refusing to take accountability
for the very votes that empowered \'them and they\'
to shit on us, all day long
all year long, long
all \'term\' long
a lifetime - long...
where \'They\' are manifested
as this big Bad Wolf by our poisonous \'vermin media\'
and \'we\' caricatured into playing reality\'s
little red cloaked characters, of wilful ignorance\'s naivety...
so then, another war is it to be?
then what
another government where \'we vote\'
and put those same \'predatory sociopaths\'
in places of power
where egocentric nice suits
and well groomed camera aesthetics, is prioritised
above content and policy, again: as ever...
we play the pointing blame game
and our children pay
with their wasted future\'s, yet again
and again
and again...
why change a winning routine
lets keep it all, satisfyingly: \'reactionary rage\'
and vilify our fellow humans
or profit from each others pain
war and anarchy that\'s the answer
a step forward for decades of regression
that\'s the cynically cyclical pattern, in our addiction: right?
yeah, lets destroy all we\'ve built
and all, those poor millions died - for, already throughout history
cause you know, its always been
a punch or a trigger - easy, to destroy
than fight to prevail, sustain and create....
\'I, me and my
is all that I see\'
a generation\'s manifesto of capitalist greed
hence why words like empathy
are denoted to realm\'s of archaic mythology....!

May 27th, 2021 05:17

No Dead Alive
L. B. Mek said:

(a wonderfully impassioned write
thanks for inspiring my little scribbled reply, dear poet)..
without adversity, there is no growth
just endless social ladders
where up, equates stepping on fingers
of fellow sufferers
and down, is giving-in
because surrendering is so appealing..
so instead, we allow ourselves to be herded
hiding in the warm middle, away from all the hurt
only, belatedly: do we realise
all that anxiety and inadequacy
is festering from pools of loathing
in that river of wilful ignorance
we helped cultivate: within our heart\'s..
so today, its a mismanaged covid virus
tomorrow its a world wide, doorstep of anarchy
where detonated: identity politics
rips-apart our very families
and the tomorrow, that awaits - after?
well, let\'s think positively
and assume, there will be someone left
to care...
(It is not our circumstances, that \'define us\'
but \'who\'
we choose to evolve, in-to: \'despite - them\'...!)

May 27th, 2021 03:13

No Dead Alive
Lord Barham said:

You have both my sympathy and my condolences and your poem cuts to the bone, laying bare the evils of tyranny and intolerance amidst this plague that has buggered up the world and torn people apart instead of bringing them together in mutual sympathy for their suffering.

May 26th, 2021 00:46

Presage as Message
L. B. Mek said:

a wonderful message
thanks for sharing

May 25th, 2021 05:33

The Quintessential Senses
L. B. Mek said:

\'The sparkles of a lonely dew drop
Against the beaming rays of the sun
Like a precious diamond in a felt box\'..
beautiful imagery, a wonderful read
thanks for sharing

May 25th, 2021 04:25

The Quintessential Senses
Goldfinch60 said:

Life can be so wonderful in our world and may it continue that way.

Welcome to MPS.

May 25th, 2021 00:51

The Quintessential Senses
orchidee said:

A fine write MN.

May 24th, 2021 08:32