Comments received on poems by kitty the naughty poet

sea of scales
Nilanjana said:

Your poetry is so powerful !

December 17th, 2021 04:28

sea of scales
orchidee said:

Oh no! lol. I got as far as \'erotic\' and then swooned. I would! lol. I need to \'get out more\' from me sheltered life!

December 17th, 2021 03:08

English rose
L. B. Mek said:

\'setting smiles from eyes that see
unseen, the bramble beneath
a hot mess of weeds
sharp with thorns bite
covered in sight by daisies bloom\'..
every time a tabloid
labels someone new, as yet another
\'English rose\'
I just wince, at the likely sad tidings that\'s bound to bring..
(they say beauty should be taxed for its privileges,
I ask
and what about the dangers
its been forced to survive
since birth...!)
just a brilliant write, on so many levels
thanks for sharing

December 16th, 2021 06:13

English rose
woundedheart said:

Rose amongst daisies unpicked such a bittersweet metaphor, many will read into this and see themselves in your wonderful lines. ☺

December 16th, 2021 04:18

English rose
orchidee said:

Good write Katie.
From a hymn: \'Holy (Saint) Alban, England\'s rose\', and the city named after him.

December 16th, 2021 03:13

English rose
Saxon Crow said:

Poor old roses. Their lot in life to be picked and wither or to be forgotten... And wither

December 16th, 2021 02:25

English rose
spilleronsheet said:

A rose bloomed
All alone
Everyone praised the beauty
But never acknowledged the thorns
Maybe the rose aloofness was sensed by you
How well scripted are those words of you

December 16th, 2021 02:09

English rose
Caring dove said:

Great writing, Katy 🙂 I feel sorry for the rose matter the scars , or flaws .. we all deserve to feel loved and wanted ,

The rose sounds very sad , I like how you have personified the rose , given it emotion and feeling

Your words flow nicely

December 16th, 2021 02:04

English rose
dusk arising said:

A rose is a rose and even the gnarled much trimmed old rosebush has an undenyable beauty to the learned eye.

Each wound we carry beautifies the depths inside us.

December 16th, 2021 01:52

Flaying happiness
dusk arising said:

Something real from you. Well written expression of the tumult inside a mum..... perhaps like the proverbial duck who looks calm and serene on the surface but beneath the waterline those feet are paddling for all they are worth.

December 16th, 2021 01:50

Balance your nature.
Caring dove said:

Really good writing ! Very expressive 🙂 I like your words ., engaging

December 15th, 2021 03:08

Flaying happiness
Caring dove said:

Difficult to feel depressed , I understand . I felt depressed and sad most of yesterday . And even sad this morning . Life can get us so down … and it does affect our confidence when we feel like this

An expressive writing ) sorry you feel like this

December 15th, 2021 03:05

Flaying happiness
orchidee said:

But seriously - I can understand how it can bring \'enjoyment\' to some, in their depression.
I\'ve heard a few tales I wish I had not heard, in some counselling groups, that make me shudder. Not to be escapist though, as these things happen sadly.

December 15th, 2021 03:01

Flaying happiness
orchidee said:

If it wasn\'t a serious theme, or if we take it as entirely fictional - oooh, a really bad hair day there!
I should put that flaying thing down - it looks dangerous to me - and let\'s have a nice cuppa tea and slice of cake. We can talk about things, It could help! (heehee).
Oops - that taken the edge of the atmosphere off this poem?!

December 15th, 2021 02:59

Losing control
spilleronsheet said:

Jump off the cliff
Only to deep diver
Beneath is deep
Swim the vastness of infiniteness
Well penned dear poet

December 14th, 2021 14:59

Losing control
L. B. Mek said:

I like how the poetic voice graduated from you
to your heart or love,
feels like this may be
one of those cathartic write\'s
we pen, mainly for ourselves
thanks for sharing
really well written

December 14th, 2021 05:02

Losing control
orchidee said:

If ya jump off the cliff of love, I hope there\'s a trampoline or bouncy castle at the bottom of the cliff! lol.
I jumped off one and there was a sewage pit beneath. Doh!

December 14th, 2021 02:46

Losing control
Caring dove said:

Never heard of the song . A good poem )

December 14th, 2021 02:39

Our demons against the universe
Caring dove said:

Why do people use the word ‘ demon ‘ to refer to the negative or Shadow side ,,, it’s such a dark nasty word . This is mostly a good writing , maybe might be better with a different word instead of that , but that’s just my opinion and it’s only because I hate the word . I especially like the second half of your poem .., some lovely words

December 13th, 2021 12:12

Our demons against the universe
Burning Crow said:

Really good read I enjoyed the gothic romance style

December 13th, 2021 12:05

Our demons against the universe
L. B. Mek said:

\'I crave you,
the other half of my heart
in my bed and by my side\'..
(transformative poetry
that grabs you and shoves you
down a worded, roller-coaster ride
of seductive romance
without, asking for permission
a wonderful read
thank you for sharing, dear Poet)

December 13th, 2021 05:11

Our demons against the universe
dusk arising said:

Peanut butter and jelly/jam a rare treat these days.

THose internal monsters and deamons may rise but to have the comfort of a lovers arms and support surely conquers all.

December 13th, 2021 03:28

Our demons against the universe
orchidee said:

Peanut butter and jelly please - but not together. Bleeuurggh! lol.

December 13th, 2021 03:13

Fun in DC
dusk arising said:

Blimey, you\'ve got my Green Lantern glowing with envy now.

December 11th, 2021 06:58

Fun in DC
Saxon Crow said:

I was thinking Flash Gordon lol

December 11th, 2021 06:55

Fun in DC
Saxon Crow said:

You should have got the flash in there. Just for a quickie!

December 11th, 2021 04:55

Fun in DC
Saxon Crow said:

You should have got the flash in there lol

December 11th, 2021 04:55

dusk arising said:

You lucky thing.... having met your soulmate.
A demon put a curse on sleeping beauty so that each time she looked in a mirror she would see an ugly old hag. One observer said to the other, that sleeping beauty is such a fine looking woman, the other replied, yes i agree but isn\'t she sloppy with her make-up.

December 10th, 2021 13:51

L. B. Mek said:

ha, that old adage
\'a couple
of demons, thinking alike\'
one plots a shower murder
the other a poisoned dinner...
(such a relatable and fun read
and although the frustration
that inspired this write, is palpable
in each line
so is, the tender love
that makes accepting it all seemingly, worthwhile)

December 10th, 2021 06:04

woundedheart said:

Daemons making deals and Grimm i love that show and the o rigional children\'s books. The last two lines made me chuckle the idea you were actually speaking of marriage and how sometimes even the smallest things grind our gears. Lovely metaphor and imagery

December 10th, 2021 03:50

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