Comments received on poems by kitty the naughty poet

The Lioness.
Paul Bell said:

The lioness does tend to take on the world and win.

November 20th, 2021 07:52

The Lioness.
CuteCrescent said:

Well written!! You just need to remember there is a lioness living inside every girl whose stronger than you expect🤞🤩😃😃

November 20th, 2021 03:20

The Lioness.
Goldfinch60 said:

May that lioness roar and bring to the new dawn in you life Katie.


November 20th, 2021 03:19

spilleronsheet said:

Self love shall be a priority
It’s time to love for oneself
Well penned dear poet

November 19th, 2021 12:07

dusk arising said:

Super first person conversational writing to carry this important message. We all need \'down time\' to retreat into ourselves and mend. Mental housekeeping we might call it.

November 19th, 2021 11:14

Garth Rakumakoe said:

I love how the first and last parts of the poem mirror each other, very poetic. Well written, Katie. Thank you for choosing to share.

November 19th, 2021 08:41

Writer’s block.
Paul Bell said:

You just know at four in the morning, whole verses are going to pop into your head

November 18th, 2021 12:36

Goldfinch60 said:

The full moon bring such love to all.


November 18th, 2021 01:21

Coyote said:

Something truly magical happens when we gaze up at a full moon. This is a terrific write Katie🙂

November 17th, 2021 15:39

Caring dove said:

Nice writing ) I sometimes think the moon looks lonely

November 17th, 2021 15:07

Fight, Flight.
L. B. Mek said:

\'Sorrow spills from concealed ailments,
as I lay
amongst my shattered remains,
crimson drips invisible, *in ink*
weaving, amidst colours of creativity,\'..
what a showcasing, of Poetry\'s capacity
to self-express our complex selves
and in so-doing, promote
a little:
self, healing..
thanks for sharing, such a meaningfully relatable read,
dear Poet

November 15th, 2021 07:41

Fight, Flight.
dusk arising said:

Hmmm this is a day in my life. OK where are the secret cameras concealed?

November 15th, 2021 04:37

Nicholas Browning said:

I enjoyed your usage of words in this engaging tale of a hidden woodland that\'s best left undiscovered.

November 14th, 2021 08:30

Paul Bell said:

Something tells me most forests would be glad if humans stayed well away from them. We\'re either branding them with love hearts or chopping them down.

November 14th, 2021 07:43

AnAlpaca said:

So many levels of hunger besides just the physical.

November 13th, 2021 07:57

dusk arising said:

The voracious hunger of self doubt. Lets never forget the need to feed the ego with reinforcing pleasures.

November 13th, 2021 06:08

Mind, Body & Soul.
Garth Rakumakoe said:

How you captured emotion here, is really admirable. I reads like a dream. I love the vulnerability of it all. Kudos well deserved Katie!

November 12th, 2021 14:50

Mind, Body & Soul.
Caring dove said:

Lovely words ! 🙂

November 12th, 2021 03:47

dusk arising said:

Reads like an acid trip! Lucky you if your mind cavorts unassisted through such hoops of recall and imagination.

November 11th, 2021 09:06

Fish out of water.
Garth Rakumakoe said:

Nice one! I love how you brought the fish to life there!

November 10th, 2021 05:57

Fish out of water.
Goldfinch60 said:

Good fun write Katie, thank you.


November 10th, 2021 04:36

Fish out of water.
dusk arising said:

LOL nice one, my first laugh of today.

November 10th, 2021 03:52

dusk arising said:

Brings back memories of interesting times.

November 9th, 2021 09:10

Paul Bell said:

S&M on a Tuesday, does it get any better. The rope must be tied perfectly to get that unrestrictive response.
Read that somewhere.

November 9th, 2021 06:04

L. B. Mek said:

less poetry, more
instruction manual
but still, undoubtedly
eloquently written,
\'in my humble opinion\'..
(thanks for gifting us all
a cheeky shade of pink,
in our cheeks) lol

November 9th, 2021 05:53

Paul Bell said:

Something exciting about misbehaving, keeps the neighbours alert and the blinds open. I\'ll be the master tonight, your turn tomorrow.

November 8th, 2021 13:32

L. B. Mek said:

a fun read, sensual
but light-hearted and playful
thanks for the 🔞, dear poet

November 8th, 2021 06:55

Playground Politics.
spilleronsheet said:

So poignant
You can’t judge the others by sitting afar
Only when you step in shoes of others you realise how hard it was to walk around

November 8th, 2021 04:49

Garth Rakumakoe said:

Somebody call the fire department, Mrs Grey here\'s about burn the place down!... The flames on this piece though... Too hot to handle. Beautiful skill, fellow writer. Thank you.

November 8th, 2021 04:43

Playground Politics.
Goldfinch60 said:

True words katie, we never know the situation that others have in their lives, respect for all should be with us.


November 8th, 2021 01:36

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