Comments received on poems by kitty the naughty poet

Paul Bell said:

Is this a partner doing this, or do you phone, S&M direct. Wednesday\'s pain and pleasure, beats working any day.

December 1st, 2021 05:27

Neville said:

there is a certain point isn\'t there .. and you just made it sublimely ..

December 1st, 2021 04:24

dusk arising said:

Katie... !!! why did you stop there ???

December 1st, 2021 03:54

Unspoken fantasy
orchidee said:

Someone else seems to be ab it tied up again! Teehee (a saucy version of \'heehee\').
I talk some rubbish sometimes. lol.

November 30th, 2021 13:05

Unspoken fantasy
L. B. Mek said:

I\'m guessing, \'Fifty Shades\'
was a tepid read, for you...
well, as long as you insure
your own safety, most importantly
and you are not harming anyone
as the wise, vanilla saying goes
\'each to their own\'...
thanks for sharing, a warming read
\'of a unique, kind\'
(and here, we all thought
a little, hair pulling
from time to time
mad us, the risqué ones) lol

November 30th, 2021 07:06

Unspoken fantasy
Job Welime said:

nice one.

November 30th, 2021 04:49

Winter is coming
SureshG said:

A superb reflection on winters effect. Spell binding

November 29th, 2021 21:45

Winter is coming
Lorna said:

And as a GOT fan, Stark winter says so much more than just winter! Great one.....

November 29th, 2021 12:58

Winter is coming
Nicholas Browning said:

The final line is the perfect finish. Much enjoyed!

November 29th, 2021 07:31

Winter is coming
L. B. Mek said:

personally, I truly appreciate
the diversity, in Blighty\'s
extreme, and distinct:
four season\'s..
although, we frown - outside
we appreciate our home\'s
that much more, in winter
and all that time, we spend
clustered inside, hiding
from the bitter cold
prepares us, for the freedom
in our much beloved, Spring;
almost, as if
it was what natured, intended...
(a wonderful read, thanks for sharing)

November 29th, 2021 06:49

Winter is coming
dusk arising said:

You\'ve made me shudder with your chill words and it already in minus temperatures outside.

I wonder what thrills and spills climate change will snow down on us this winter..... are you ready for them..... candles and log fires i suspect.

November 29th, 2021 06:40

Winter is coming
Fay Slimm. said:

Love the fierce graphic and too the crafted shape of your verse Katie - - snow has a thrill of its own and you tell it so well in this versing of shivery winter.

November 29th, 2021 05:19

Winter is coming
Neville said:

I\'m not a great fan of winter but you make it sound so cool ........... well crafted and a little silvery gem if ever there was ................................... Neville

November 29th, 2021 04:39

Winter is coming
Goldfinch60 said:

Good one katie, it is white at the moment where I am in the Midlands.


November 29th, 2021 03:58

Winter is coming
Caring dove said:

I like this poem ) nice way with words 🙂

November 29th, 2021 02:55

orchidee said:

Erm, I can\'t say I\'m familiar with this \'scripture\'. Should I be?! heehee.
Seems like some one(s) a bit tied up at the moment. Oohh!

November 28th, 2021 09:08

orchidee said:

You a snail today?! lol.

November 28th, 2021 02:52

Alluring Figures Copulate.
orchidee said:

Why, yes, swoon!
The only \'bone\' I know of, is the one I give my (imaginary) dog Fido. He and I say: \'Glad some one(s) are having fun!\' lol.

November 27th, 2021 13:36

orchidee said:

Swoon! lol. This is not helping to decrease global warming, with the \'temperature\' of this poem! lol.

November 27th, 2021 13:34

Balance your nature.
Neville said:

.... seriously enjoyed no end, from end to end ..................... N

November 27th, 2021 07:35

Balance your nature.
Paul Bell said:

You sure it was, Pirates of the Caribbean, and not the, Red shoe diaries. Great write.

November 27th, 2021 06:44

Mother Nature.
Nicholas Browning said:

Daaaammmmnnnnnn, this is something fierce. What a straight up way to portray mother nature. Major props to the author. Well done.

November 26th, 2021 11:27

Mother Nature.
L. B. Mek said:

just, so true!
nothing can be added,
we mourn Nature
but it\'s us who will reap
the consequences
of our neglect and ignorance..
really, you\'ve voiced it
with such distinct clarity,
nothing else need be said..
(thanks for sharing, what is
a Timely
and always Necessary:

November 26th, 2021 07:02

Mother Nature.
spilleronsheet said:

A powerful poetry
And so on point
That’s the nature
She isn’t a victim but meanwhile she does is enduring
Well crafted dear poet

November 26th, 2021 05:16

Paul Bell said:

Great ending, great in-between, and you always feel great for hours after.
Is working from home killing office romance now, I wonder.

November 25th, 2021 10:26

Nicholas Browning said:

The bottom of the spiral. Enjoyed the read.

November 24th, 2021 04:15

Alluring Figures Copulate.
L. B. Mek said:

its quite hard
to poetically, portray
sensual arousal: alongside
intensity of impassioned, emotionality;
that worded bridge, between skin
and intoxication of inflamed feelings
is, slippery;
lean a word too much towards, physicality
and you lose that, sensitivity
to nuanced sensuality;
then again, ignore the vivid portrayal of prerequisite physical intimacy, actions
and it all reads, vanilla lacklustre...
(that\'s why I appreciate your write
and how close you managed to angle, your lines
capturing - just enough, of both elements
to insure your poem
is more poetic, erotic: Art
than the worded obscenity of common pornographic, fictionality)

November 22nd, 2021 07:30

Alluring Figures Copulate.
Neville said:

its a good job you are happily married otherwise Orchidee would swoon and I would be around like a shot ..

November 22nd, 2021 04:25

Imagine Desire.
Neville said:

You can beat an egg & a drum, but you sure can\'t beat a bit of gentle erotica first thing on a Sunday morning ..

November 21st, 2021 04:30

Garth Rakumakoe said:

Something we all need to preserve from time to time. Nobody can pour from an empty cup. It is and essential write. Your pen speaks the truth, Katie.

November 21st, 2021 02:53

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