Comments received on poems by Greatest_Rhino

Definition of Love
ProfessionalPaperDigester said:

It will happen to everyone at some point. Love is a dangerous game (from what I\'ve been told) and its best not to overwhelm yourself with trying to get someone, because those people will always find you eventually.

February 24th, 2022 05:31

Definition of Love
L. B. Mek said:

I am so sorry for the pain you went through
having someone violate your trust and abuse you
is such a traumatic experience
and to have you survive
rebuild yourself, and grow
into a person that can weave
such words of empowering wisdom
is such a laudable feat..
I just hope those around, you
reward you, for your effort
if not, please reward yourself..
this is an outstanding write
of self discovery
and an affirmation
of self-worth...
all I can do is thank you
for gifting me the chance
to read and learn from your words of wisdom...
you\'re amazing!
\'in my humble opinion\'
thank you, dear Poet

February 24th, 2022 05:17

Life is funny
Rocky Lagou said:

Wow that play on \"tried\" and \"tired.\" Clever wordplay. This such a surrender to life and I get the message. Nicely done! 💖

February 22nd, 2022 14:38