Comments received on poems by Abby1234

Hiding in a bathroom
BlessedbyGod said:

Abby honey, you never have to hide my dear, you are a smart beautiful girl and anyone would be blessed to know you or have you on their team,
I\'m here for you dear !

April 3rd, 2023 22:38

Life sucks By Abby Rose Wise
Abby1234 said:

Thank you. I just don\'t want to feel like this anymore. I am tired of hiding my feelings, but I can\'t let anyone know. I miss my dad, but I can never see him again. I\'m not allowed to see my father because of what he did to me. Always being rejected, always being abandoned, always being bullied. I\'m tired of all this. I\'m sorry if I hurt everyone Thank you. I just don\'t want to feel like this anymore. I am tired of hiding my feelings, but I can\'t let anyone know. I miss my dad, but I can never see him again. I\'m not allowed to see my father because of what he did to me. Always being rejected, always being abandoned, always being bullied. I\'m tired of all this. I\'m sorry if I hurt everyone who met me.

March 29th, 2023 10:31

Life sucks By Abby Rose Wise
-The poet in me said:


You are absolutely beautiful !
I see my daughter inside of you.

She shared her fears
Throughout the years
And I watched her as she grew.

Times that\'r hard
Are like playing cards
You have a hand that you are dealt.

Lessons learned
Are being burned
Now she\'s proud of what she felt.

So we live our lives
and each have tried
To sow some seed on fertile ground.
But God alone
Knows what was grown
From those seeds we cast around.

From butterfly wings
Comes powerful things
From deep inside each single storm.
So those forgave
By He who saves
Is best decided by who\'s informed.

March 28th, 2023 19:49

Life sucks By Abby Rose Wise
-The poet in me said:

My life has sucked,
Ten thousand times.
Where I wished I weren\'t alive.

God knows I prayed,
To Him, each day.
And I\'m thankful that I survived.

What I went through.
He and I, each knew.
So He put a poet inside of me.

Mrs. Abby Rose Wise,
Just does not realize,
All the Potential in you, He sees.

March 28th, 2023 19:23

Life sucks By Abby Rose Wise
James Michael said:

Life’s a roller coaster without a seatbelt. Just hang on for dear life. Do not let darkness consume your essence.

March 27th, 2023 15:40

Life sucks By Abby Rose Wise
BlessedbyGod said:

Don\'t say that Abby, you are a beautiful girl and a beautiful soul, you are not fat ugly nor a disappointment, and whoever tells you otherwise doesn\'t deserve you,I for one am extremely thankful that I met you, and feel that you are a blessing from God

March 27th, 2023 13:23

Lonely by Abby Rose Wise
NinjaGirl said:

I really like this poem. It really depicts how it feels it just hits different I relate.

March 27th, 2023 13:04

Life sucks By Abby Rose Wise
Abby1234 said:

I hope so too.

March 27th, 2023 12:49

Life sucks By Abby Rose Wise
NinjaGirl said:

I\'m sorry life is hard. I hope it gets better ❤️

March 27th, 2023 12:48

Goodbye By Abby Rose Wise
Abby1234 said:

Thank you. Life is just so hard. I don\'t know if I can last any longer. I don\'t want to die. I don\'t want to leave all the people I love behind. I just can\'t handle the pain anymore. I don\'t want to feel this pain. Probably why my cousin killed himself.

March 17th, 2023 07:26

Goodbye By Abby Rose Wise
BlessedbyGod said:

Fight through these feelings Abby, I know first hand what you are feeling, but you are a beautiful girl, I\'ve never seen you, but I know that you have a beautiful soul and a really good heart,YOU are worth it, YOU are beautiful, YOU are NOT worthless or ugly,
YOU have blessed my life

March 16th, 2023 21:56

Dad By Abby Rose Wise
Abby1234 said:

Everybody keeps saying I deserve better, but I don\'t believe it even if I want to believe it.

March 10th, 2023 09:15

Dad By Abby Rose Wise
BlessedbyGod said:

I\'m sorry that you miss him, Abby
But to be honest with you, God was showing you His love by your dad leaving,
If he was hurting you in any way, honey that wasn\'t good, even if it was your dad, it wasn\'t right,
Take this time to heal instead of investing time into someone that hurt you and doesn\'t deserve your love or tears,
I\'m sorry if this sounds a bit harsh but it\'s true, you deserve so much better

March 9th, 2023 21:30

You are loved by Abby Rose Wise
Caring dove said:

Really nice writing like the mention of the glove and the book and doves ))

March 8th, 2023 13:06

Little Sad Boy by Abby Rose Wise
Abby1234 said:

I\'ll try to.

March 8th, 2023 08:24

Little Sad Boy by Abby Rose Wise
BlessedbyGod said:

Great job Abby, never give up and keep moving forward

March 6th, 2023 17:33

You are loved by Abby Rose Wise
BlessedbyGod said:

Very nice Abby,love it

March 3rd, 2023 16:45

Smile Bright by Abby Rose Wise
Abby1234 said:

I always try to help people. I think of them before I think of my self.

March 2nd, 2023 15:09

The Jellyfish by Abby Rose Wise
BlessedbyGod said:

I love your poems Abby , it shows your versatility as a poet and writer
Keep up the good work , you will go far my dear

March 2nd, 2023 11:01

Not a Real Goodbye by Abby Rose Wise
BlessedbyGod said:

Wow, I\'m sorry you are so young and so was he, God has a plan for you girl.
I\'m here to talk anytime

March 2nd, 2023 10:59

Smile Bright by Abby Rose Wise
BlessedbyGod said:

This is beautiful Abby, and shows how big your heart is

March 2nd, 2023 10:58

Lonely by Abby Rose Wise
BlessedbyGod said:

I know exactly how that feels, I\'ve struggled with depression and those same thoughts for a good chunk of my life, I\'m 40 and have only recently broke free,

God can and will free you too, if you give Him the chance to, read His word and pray for release from the chains of Satan, freely and truly give your self to God and give Him control and you will see and feel a huge difference,
Remember that everything happens for a reason and goes according to God\'s plan for us,we may not understand the reasons why but rest assured there is a good one that will ultimately lead you to where you need to be

March 2nd, 2023 10:56

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