Comments received on poems by SQ

\" Why Do You Write?\"
L. B. Mek said:

our poetic ink, forged
in that crimson survival, grind
we pen our truths
expecting, chaos to reveal itself
in those blurred lines, between
eloquence and punctuation,
each poem
a ballad to our wailing birthright\'s
to empty facades from our lives!
\'we truth scribblers, few\'
do so gather and vanquish
society\'s demeaning, mirages
and excuses
for sincerity\'s wisdom isles
dogpaddling syllables to traverse
every blank canvas, we so
meaningfully tattoo
with our undisputable, worth!
and so
dear Poet kin, swim free
soar high
and ink proud
your poetry\'s, enlightening song

March 31st, 2023 03:54

Survival Machine.
Myth said:

It is hard when we discover that (Out of reach ) always the norm !
(Your words .. I see them as healing prescription.. wonderful )

March 25th, 2023 22:46

Survival Machine.
scarletttt said:

this is actually so underrated. i wish more people would read your incredible work because its so moving: with so much on people\'s plates and so much changing, we are so much happier when we live in the moment and enjoy something simple!
thanks for writing this it was crafted so well, i especially liked the subtle imagery.

March 25th, 2023 19:32

A Sane Fight.
Myth said:

It isn\'t a battle of struggle or surrender, it is just the norm of life, where the heart plays a random spontaneous melody and the mind remains checking the note over and over again trying to reach perfection. ..

March 18th, 2023 01:27

L. B. Mek said:

(really well written, thanks for sharing
stay strong!
please forgive my little poetic reply)
most of life\'s lessons
are born of repetition
we need first, attempt
defying our fears and laments
before we can levitate
excavating a path, to escape
to those
awaiting, shorelines of solace
we\'ve been promised, by hope
brave stolen breath at a time
we define
that which is ours to manifest
and realise...!

March 17th, 2023 05:24

Myth said:

Shame on the three (water/air/surface.)
Failed to give a hand ..
To someone forced to live in the bottom ..
(Good wording)

March 16th, 2023 14:34