Comments received on poems by SeaHydrangea

Troubled Path
Pop64 said:

Your imagery in this wonderfully conveys the message and meaning of questioning, want and need. The free verse format to this serves further to provide impact and clear thought. Well written!

August 3rd, 2023 08:45

peto said:

This write will help many
So emotional
Stay here
Find the peace and love
Dont lose autonomy
Not a burden your words are not meaningless
Sorry if ranting,,this is moving
Hope to read more soon

June 27th, 2023 11:18

My wish
Soman Ragavan said:

My comments on the poem \"My wish” by SeaHydrangea
It is clear the author is feeling depressed at the lack of progress in their fate. Apparently they cannot succeed in doing even little tasks. They are struggling to scrape through, and rightly refuse to give up. It is sad that the author wishes others happiness while they themselves see none of it coming their way. Kind friend, may you overcome this pitiful episode in your life and may you find brighter days ahead. Best wishes. Soman Ragavan. 30 May, 2023. //

May 30th, 2023 00:43