Comments received on poems by GeekSusie

Masques et Secrets
jcm said:

Les minutes que l\'on cache sont des heures que l\'on perd.

July 3rd, 2024 05:45

Les Gardiens de la Pudibonderie
jcm said:

Les censeurs sont les plus pervers. Plus forte est leur censure plus immonde est leur vice.

July 3rd, 2024 05:34

Simplement égale
jcm said:

Une évidence, hélas cachée sous la brume de l\'inculture et de l\'ignorance.

July 3rd, 2024 05:29

Changer d\'Avis: Un Subtil Indice
jcm said:

Est-ce là une des raisons de la disparition soudaine de Mastodon ? S\'en sont allées les découvertes sur toile ou les photographiques, reste les rimes. Au plaisir.

July 3rd, 2024 05:20

Curious Glances and Cheeky Admiration
Doggerel Dave said:

…….and so what of the ‘male gaze’ that so many women complain of? I gaze – always have. Slightly obsessed with the female form (trying to keep it reasonably clean which you have managed admirably). Doesn’t matter that there’s no way I’m in with a chance and not just because some may be playing for your team.
Well if I am required to avert my gaze in public, there’s always the internet….
A great little fun poem – thanks.

June 13th, 2024 19:33

Simplement égale
Tony36 said:

Great write

June 11th, 2024 18:16

Berate and Bully: The Masterclass in Persuasion Failure
Teddy.15 said:

I love everything about this, the message and your rhyme, brilliant, rolls off the tongue, I\'ve had a boyfriend like this and I truly love the way your courage takes its place and shows the real truth of any bully, there are many, I even have them in my own family. I really think this is wonderful. Let\'s keep them as far from our kind souls as possible. 🌹

June 11th, 2024 01:12

Berate and Bully: The Masterclass in Persuasion Failure
Doggerel Dave said:

Hear hear! Although I don\'t mind a little verbal (as in not physical) rough and tumble, abuse is never a pathway to truth. \'Trouble is, \' reason, with a strong, solid base\' is a pretty rare commodity today (and perhaps always has been).

June 11th, 2024 01:06

Just Like You
Tony36 said:

Great write, really enjoyed reading it

June 8th, 2024 20:01

Love Makes a Family
Doggerel Dave said:

In good parenting, not only the child, but the world owes you.

June 6th, 2024 20:19

Behind the Mask
Doggerel Dave said:

As an adolescent, doubtless a difficult time.
As an adult, everyone\'s sexuality should, I believe, be their own affair, where in a perfect world there\'s no need for advertising.

June 4th, 2024 20:23

The Purity Patrol
Doggerel Dave said:

Surely there\'s none left................ are there?

June 3rd, 2024 21:17

Le Silence Cosmique
Hope Skeldon said:

c\'est incroyable ce poeme! vous avez tres bien fait :)

May 28th, 2024 17:22

Innocence and Truth
Cassie58 said:

Follow your heart. A lovely poem of reflection and acceptance. Nicely composed Susie.

May 28th, 2024 14:54

Unsolicited Sages
Mutley Ravishes said:

I hope no one finds out
I have absolutely no idea
What I’m talking about!

May 27th, 2024 18:40

Unsolicited Sages
Doggerel Dave said:

Lovely irony. Glad I don\'t do that shit. Don\'t go there..... unless MPS.........

May 27th, 2024 17:00

Congress or Chaos?
Doggerel Dave said:

😅😂🤣Gone beyond anger at the futility.
Same where I live.
Not sure Jerry had much to commend him either.

May 26th, 2024 00:07

Congress or Chaos?
Neilton said:

That\'s why I never open the Tv! Only chaos ! This world has gone mad . Great poem!!!

May 25th, 2024 16:19

Journey to Myself
Doggerel Dave said:

And each to their own. Hang in there.

May 23rd, 2024 15:31

Journeys in Ink: A Poet\'s Tale
A.H. Browning said:

“For poems are more than mere lines and rhyme,
A dance with time, a soul\'s soft chime”

Nice 👍

May 22nd, 2024 19:28

Mockery of Democracy
Doggerel Dave said:

I endorse every word. A shit show par excellence. I could add \'God help us\' if I believed......

May 20th, 2024 21:12

Charting the Heights of Delight
Doggerel Dave said:

Wot precisely was the \'it\' your local paper wrote about? If it was lab experiments - forget it.
Let whoever relate to whomsoever and enjoy the warmth and tenderness attendant in that close relationship.
Call it a day if you have to define relationships - their type and form.
(I did get you – if you are in any doubt.)

May 16th, 2024 20:02

Charting the Heights of Delight
Alan R said:

This is incredible

May 16th, 2024 15:25

Cartoon Conundrum
Doggerel Dave said:

Could always sing it, of course, in French…… (je ne regrette rien). 😄
Perhaps because it’s there to take or leave, whereas in direct conversation there’s a certain resistance to direct advice….
I’m nit-picking; point is taken to mull over...

May 15th, 2024 17:22

Eyes of Joy: A French Family Voyage
Doggerel Dave said:

The best travel in the right company can enrich....and so it did.Thanks for the feeling.

May 13th, 2024 08:08

Eyes of Joy: A French Family Voyage
Thomas W Case said:

Vivid and sharp imagery.

May 12th, 2024 17:54

Eyes of Joy: A French Family Voyage
DLewis88 said:

It\'s a wonderful poem

May 12th, 2024 16:26

Eyes of the Panopticon
Doggerel Dave said:

You\'ve told it as it is in your usual structured disciplined style. Cannot agree with the \'Fantasy\' label.
I seek out your English ones - wouldn\'t miss them.

May 8th, 2024 22:05

Balanced Lines: A Call for Global Media Integrity
Doggerel Dave said:

Oh well said . Here in Oz we, of course have fact checkers. I still reserve the right to interrogate the results and their wider implications...

May 7th, 2024 07:35

Skid Marks and Secrets: An Underwear Odyssey
Doggerel Dave said:

Always taken my own underwear very much for granted; have varying levels of interest in the other categories you list in your brief, funny rhymer.....

April 27th, 2024 18:06

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