Comments received on poems by GeekSusie

La Danse Des Illusions Cybernétiques
Doggerel Dave said:

I, monolingual must rely on Google translate to provide access to your efforts (sorry – more than ‘efforts’!) at an analysis of the internet, or rather the voices inflicted on the sum total of human knowledge there.
Though however ghastly the experience sometimes (often?) is your last stanza reminds that infrequent evidence which keeps alive hope remains. Reassurance is always welcome.

September 10th, 2023 23:10

La Danse Des Illusions Cybernétiques
Lorenz said:

Nous sommes tous la fugace étincelle du rêve d\'un Bouddha ...
L\'un y trouve sa voie,
l\'autre ses orages ...
Je vais chercher musique et couleurs dans les mots ,
déclinant le langage des anges autistes...
Sais tu que les parques sages tissent folles toiles ?..

September 10th, 2023 09:00

L\'Élaboration du Poète
Saxon Crow said:

Oui. Un bon poème

September 10th, 2023 00:41

In Her Eyes: A Legacy Unfolded
MendedFences27 said:

Very nice, The love of a mother for her child, and the seeing of herself \"in the mirror of her eyes.\" \"A harmony of us , in her,\" this and other phrases portray the realization of genetic \"influence.\" But more so the \"influence\" of parenting. Don\'t be surprised if she becomes an artist. - Phil A.

September 9th, 2023 21:57

L\'Élaboration du Poète
Sky said:

Tu es adorable

September 9th, 2023 11:54

In Her Eyes: A Legacy Unfolded
Doggerel Dave said:

I dislike most love poetry as often it seems to depict an emotionally fraught relationship between two perhaps emotionally unstable people. True love though is much more expansive deep and multifaceted as you have depicted here with respect to your kids. Thanks.

September 8th, 2023 21:22

A Dance with Myself: Growing Older, Remaining Unique
Pop64 said:

Your rhyming is met with excellence while your imagery remains so clear and both serve well to convey the meaning of piece. Beautiful writing

September 8th, 2023 15:34

Empathy in a Digital Age
Pop64 said:

In the digital streaming age, this can be all too true and so often. The wrong things can end up on the internet when it isn\'t what the person might not have wanted, something bad or just embarrassing. I like how yo wrap this up though, offering the reader and everyone a lesson. Keep writing. Awesome read

September 8th, 2023 14:20

Bridging the Divide: A Poetic Response to Political Fracture
Pop64 said:

Another perfect read! The last stanza floored me as it summed everything up, like a ribbon and bow on a gift, but the gift is your poem, your depiction of the divide that exists and the offering of a solution. Wonderful!

September 8th, 2023 14:11

In Her Eyes: A Legacy Unfolded
Pop64 said:

The whole poem is fantasti, but the folowing 2 lines really got to me as it makes me think of my 2 daughters (and my 2 sons) and their different personalities but as well what went into them, \"A hybrid of our love, our essence intertwined,

In every smile, every tear, our personalities combined,\". Marvelous!!

September 8th, 2023 14:08

Bridging the Divide: A Poetic Response to Political Fracture
Doggerel Dave said:

I\'m five days late, I know - such a flow of pieces pass through MPS that it\'s easy to miss a few.
So how many poems do you have in your archive? Now I\'ve found you, I do hope you will continue to push them out at the permitted one a day.
I enjoy what you have written very much. How could I not when I\'m presented with rhyming quatrains, which as a bonus make a great deal of sense.
PS: New York City gets a thumbs up as well.

September 7th, 2023 14:50

A Dance with Myself: Growing Older, Remaining Unique
aDarkerMind said:

very well written;
a poem I will come back read many more times;

September 6th, 2023 15:37

Hearts Ablaze: The Everchanging Faces of Leadership
Pop64 said:

This so depicts the present situation with regard to American politics and the clowns that each of the 2 main parties have as frontrunners. if only one, just one person could pick up the charge, be recognized and be the leader the people truly need. Very very well written, loved this!

September 5th, 2023 06:57

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